Preschooler age two
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Welcome to the unpreschooling page!

Unschooling is also called child led learning or interest led learning and it's a perfect fit for very young children. My first inkling that there was such a thing as unschooling for preschool was when I found an article written by Celeste Land in Home Education Magazine. I contacted the author and she graciously granted me permission to reprint her article in its entirety. Thank you so much Celeste, for writing this article and for allowing me to add it to the Web site to be shared with moms all over the world.

If this is your first introduction to unpreschooling you're in for a treat. Read, enjoy, and learn!

The Wonderful, Wacky World of "Unpreschooling"
Recipe for Unpreschooling Success
Homeschooling Mother-Recommended Reading List

Home | Unpreschooling | Resources for twos | Stuff to do age two
Skills lists | Curricula we've used | Suzuki violin | Journal
Mindful mothering | Homegrown kids | About
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Unschooling Handbook
Unschooling defined
What is unschooling?
Delight driven learning