May 2004, Vol. IV:2 Focus on Mexico!
Dear Friends & Family,
We are EXCITED and learning about Mexico!
Jan. News Here
As we began to study Mexico in earnest, we were amazed to discover that there are over 280 indigenous languages in Mexico--over two-thirds of which do not have even a New Testament translation.  Of those who do have translations, many remain largely unused due to illiteracy issues.  Roughly half of these indigenous speakers do not speak or understand Spanish, which is also a great hindrance to the spread of the gospel.  Imagine such a large concentration of peoples who have no developing evangelistic work among them--in our neighboring country!  Our hearts have been so moved by this great need, and we have realized that our assignment to Cuernavaca strategically places us within close proximity of most of these people groups.  It is too early for us to understand entirely how God wants to use us in reaching one of these people groups, but we feel certain God is directing our footsteps to do just that.  Please join us in prayer over over the indigenous peoples of Mexico, some of which are:  Cuicatecos, Chatinos, Chinantecos, Chontales, Ixcatecos, Mazatecos, Mixes, Mixtecos, Nahuatl, Tlapanecos, Triquis, and Zapotecos. (See picture above left.)
What an amazing journey the Lord has been taking us on through our Perspectives missions class this semester!  It has been a LOT of work to manage simultaneously with our secular jobs and work with the local mission.  Yet God has used this time of pre-field studies to sharpen our vision and hone our tools.  Our hearts have been enlightened to discover God's plan for missions from Genesis forward.  Our hearts have been challenged to be faithful conduits of God's salvation blessing.  Our eyes have been opened to exactly what the remaining task of the Great Commission is.  We are ready to step forward and be God's instruments in one small part of His remaining work.  Thank you for your love and support as we've taken these training steps.  You are a blessing!

The Task Remaining
"And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come."  Matthew 24:14  Have you ever thought about that?  Jesus is tarrying for no other reason except that we have not completed the task set before us.  We have the ability to make a difference in who is represented in that marvelous worship scene prophesied in Revelations 7:9!  If we do nothing, what people groups will NOT be there? The answer to that question tells us what the remaining task is.  We must reach the unreached people groups with isolated languages.  The largest concentration of these peoples is in the 10/40 window.  Almost never mentioned, however, are the heavy concentrations of indigenous people groups in southern Mexico.  Pray for us and join our team as God directs us and orders our steps to be part of the task remaining in Mexico.
Home Missions Harvest Rerport: El Reno, OK
Since the beginning of the year, the Lord has laid the City of El Reno upon our hearts in a new way.  We have joined Pastor Tomas and Sister Delores in their efforts to begin a prayer initiative among our body of believers at the Mission.  We believe that the same God who transformed Cali, Columbia through the united prayer efforts of missionaries and believers there, desires to transform the cities and towns of the United States.

It is beautiful to see the faithful core believers join their hearts each Saturday morning in prayer for their community.  Assisted by concepts presented in Taking Your Cities for God, by John Dawson and Prayer Walking, by Steve Hawthorne and Graham Kendrick, Sharon is coordinating a strategic prayer walk following each Saturday morning prayer meeting.  As a beginning, we have targeted the 7 square blocks immediately surrounding the mission.  It is not accident that the jail is within those 7 blocks.  As we have walked and prayed, our eyes have been opened to strongholds of the enemy and needs of our neighbors.  God is giving giving us spritiual eyes as we walk and working on our hearts for specific methods of outreach related to what we see.

We have sought God for His conviction power to rest upon this town and for Him to guard the comings and goings on the highways which criss-cross through El Reno.  Within just two weeks, a major drug bust occurred one of those very highways.  While we certainly cannot claim credit for that event, we were all encouraged and excited to see that God is working in tandem with our heart cry for the town.

El Reno is a small town, but the drug problem is great--especially with in-home meth labs.  Murders related to these illegal activities are quite common.  Please join us in prayer that this small body would be mobilized to ministry and prayer in a significant way.
June - re-establish Texas  residency prior to departure
July - ongoing fundraising
August - WIM Internatonal  Conference; training in    "storying"
September - departure
- Workers for the mission church to fill the need when we leave;
- Protection as we travel and relocate to Texas in anticipation of departure;
- Hearts prepared to receive the gospel in Mexico;
- God's anointing and direction as we prepare and minister;
- Details to fall into place for Christian's schooling on the field; and
- Sufficient prayer/financial support to permit timely departure.

We are seeking God to raise up our Ministry Team of prayer partners and financial supporters.  If you wish to be part of our ministry in some way, e-mail us at chassteffler@juno.com or contact us at:
      1024 S. Miles 
      El Reno, OK  73036
[We] desire fruit . . . to your account.  Phil. 4:17
Send any contributions payable to "WIM":

    Steffler Branch #220
    P.O. Box 310627
    New Braunfels, TX  78131-0627

Note Branch #220 in check memo section.
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