
The Founding Family Newsletter

The Founding Family Newsletter was a quarterly newsletter that discussed the Old Stone Church, the founding families, and geneology.

Some Past Topics in the Newsletters

January 2001 -- Johann Gottleib Hess, photos, descendant chart, ships, story of Andrew and Arthur Alger.

October 2000 -- A summary of the Old Stone Church 2000 reunion, report of OSC renovation, Blumenrader obituaries, Daniel Blumenrader family descendant chart.

July 2000 -- Frank and Derr families, 18th century, German naming customs, Pioneer Life, obituaries, Frank descendant chart, Derr descendant chart.

April 2000 -- Peter Reis, Memories of the Old Stone Church part 2, Reis family memories, descendant chart, NW Jungck reunion, more Memories of Big Bend.

January 2000 -- The Dauberschmidt family, Pioneer Memories of the Big Bend, Dauberschmidt Mill, obituaries, family descendant chart, Fred Dauberschmidt and photos.

September 1999 -- Jacob Gesell, Memories of the Old Stone Church, German Immigration, the Jungck rebellion, Charles F. Gesell, Bless this House by Don Hess.

June 1999 -- Pastor Carl Frederick Jungck, the Jungck & Gesell families, descendant chart of the Jungck family, photo of the Jungck reunion in Menomonie, WI, Jungck photos, restoration of OSC project.

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