Welcome to Jerusalem
The Babilonians conquared Judea in 586 B.C.and destroied
the city. 70 years later,
after the Persians took control of the land, the Judeans
came back and rebuilt the city and
the second temple. The Temple had services for about
600 years till its total distruction by the
Romans in 70 A.C., who made Jerusalem a roman city named
Aelia Capitolina and renamed
the land to Palestine.
In the next 2000 years Jerusalem becomes a holy city for the Christians and the holy Sepulcher is built in 326 A.D. The Muslims who later conquer the land, make Jerusalem their third holy pleace after Meca and Medina.
In the 11th century the Crusaders arive here and create
here the Kingdom of Jerusalem
which lasts till the 13th century when the Muslim Mamluks
take over the land. The turks succed
the Mamluks in the 15th century and rule the region till
1917. The Turks renewed the wall around Jerusalem and under Ottoman rule,
the first time in history neighborhoods outside the wall are being built.
In 1922 Palestine and Trans-Jordan were given under a British Mandate and in 1948 after almost 2000 years, the State of Israel was born. Jerusalem was devided between Israel and Jordan for 19 years until the 6 days war in 1967 when it became united under Israeli law.
In this picture you can see the Jewish Western Wall or in Hebrew- "Ha-Kotel
This is the western part of the platform of the second Jewish Temple.
This is the holiest place for Jews today and religious services are being
held here daily. An old tradition is to write a note and put it in the
stones, this will make your wish come true.
In the entrance to the Church you may find this stone where Jesus was believed to be layed down and cleaned before buried. The holy tomb is on the left in a special cript in the Building.
This is a picture of the Golen Dome which is the famous Muslim
Mosque. It is a mosque which serves mostly women and is the near the El-Aqsa
mosque which is the main Mosque of the region. Both Mosques are on the
Jewish Temple mountain and the temple, so it is believed, stood where the
Golden Dome is today.
These are the Markets of Jerusalem which are simpley coulerful and Great!