Andrew, Chad & Shay


This is me with
two of my very
favorite people.
Shay is top left
and Chad is top
Shay and Chad
are two of my
first cousins.
Their Mommy is
is my Daddy's
sister. Her name
is Bonnie, but I call
her "Bonnie-Bucket".
Chad is about 9 1/2
years older than me.
But he plays with me
Chad and Shay live
right across the road
from me, so I visit
them alot.
Chad is a very good
artist. He has won
prizes and even had
some of his drawing
published in a calendar.
Shay sure is a pretty
girl. She is an excellent
violin player. She is
real tall, so I like to
play "1-2-3-Go" with
her. She says, "1-2-3
Go!" and then lifts me
high over her head!
I also have two other
first cousins. Their
names are Kent &
Kyle. Hopefull my
Mommy and Daddy
will get some new
pictures of them and
put them on MY
webpage too!!!

Seeya again soon,


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