Nova Scotia, Canada




About Nova Scotia
History of Nova Scotia
About Canada
History of Canada

You may be wondering how pages of "Nova Scotia" pictures are appropriate on a Christian webpage devoted to sharing the Gospel and Love of Jesus Christ. Well here is the answer. This webpage has Evangelism (The plan of Salvation). This webpage has teaching (Bible Studies). This webpage has intercessory prayer (Prayer Requests & Prayer Team). This page is lacking when it come to praise. Scott (the husband/father of this family) is the primary author of this webpage. Scott is not a talented singer. He plays no musical instrument. He really does not have a "gift" that is well suited for praise. These pages are intended for praise. All these pictures reflect the wonder of creation. These pages are intended to Praise God the Creator (Genesis 1:1).These pages are intended to praise Jesus the Creator (John 1:1-3 & John 1:14). I hope God finds these pages "... an acceptable sacrifice, well-pleaseing ..." (Philippians 4:18). I hope you enjoy looking, and please give God the honor and praise if you do!

The stream that
once powered
Grist Mill.
A still pool beside
Grist Mill
Park Falls
Andi & Andrew
outside McPherson's
Grist Mill
Grist Mill
Andi & Andrew
beside McPherson's
Grist Mill


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