Summer Camp 2002!
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Two days and one night for those children entering 1st or 2nd grades!  Parents are welcome to come and be a part of their childs first experience at SMCC!

Camp begins at 10a on Friday and ends at 10a Saturday.
BeginnerCampWeek (entering 1st & 2nd grade)
WEEKS of June 13 - 29
JuniorCampWeek (entering grades 3rd & 4th)
Swimming, games, recreation, worship, campfires and meeting new friends!  That's what we have for those entering the 3rd and 4th grades in 2002!  Come and join us for this exciting week of camp! 

Camp begins at 3p on Sunday and ends at 10a on Thursday
WEEKS of June 13 - 29; Deans Missy Warden and Christin Bradley
IntermediateCampWeek (entering grades 5th & 6th)
A full week of camp with emphasis on Scripture Studies, Memorization, Team Involvement, Worship and living as a Christian!  Lots of swimming, basketball, baseball, recreation and other games.  Come meet some new friends this summer at SMCC!

Camp begins at 3p on Sunday and ends at 10a on Thursday
Week of June 9 - 15; Wilderness Camp;  Dean Billy Clark or Kenny Shubert
Week of June 16 - 22;   Regular Camp;  Deans David Lewis and Frank Lamdon
Jr.HighCampWeek (entering grades 7th & 8th)
Power pack and exhilerating...the tradition lives!  Our full range of activities plus freedom to choose!  Hang out with new found friends...great music, energy everywhere!  Come join us! 

Camp begins at 3p on Sunday and ends at 10a on Thursday
Week of June 9 - 15; Regular Camp;  Dean Ron Bull; Jason Warden and Luke Emmert
Week of June 13 - 29; Wilderness Camp; Dean Chris VanceLinde
Week of June 30 - July 6;  Wilderness Camp;   Dean Mike Wise
Week of July 14 - 20;   Regular Camp;  Deans David Lewis and Frank Lamdon
Week of July 7 - 13; Regular Camp;  Dean John Pryor
Week of July 14 - 20; Wilderness Camp; Dean Billy Clark or Kenny Shubert
HighSchoolCampWeek (entering grades 9th thru post 12th)
Enjoy a throughly enriching experience in a distanctively Christ-Centered environment.  Special music, exciting programs and the warmth and closeness of fireside companionship - God will challenge and strengthen you!

Camp begins at 3p on Sunday and ends at 10a on Thursday
Week of June 2 - 8; Regular Camp; Deans Jason Warden, Ron Bull & Luke Emmert
Week of June 16 - 22; Adventure Week!  Dean John Pryor
Week of June 30 - July 6; Regular Camp; Dean Chris VandeLinde, Daniel Watson, Keith Buddameyer
Week of July 7 - 13; Adventure Week!  Dean Billy Clark or Kenny Shubert
Week of June 2 - 8; Wilderness Week; Dean George Clark
Week of July 21 - 27; Bike Week; (HS & College); Deans Dr. David Reece & Terry Welshin
WEEKS of July 21 - 27; Deans Mark Overton, Casey Hitchcock & Jennifer Smith