Poisonous Plants
Plants are beautiful, they dress up your yard, make you smile, and bring
many hours of happiness. Unfortunely, while very beautiful, many plants are
also dangerous if nibbled on. Some of the plants on this list maybe found
in herbal stores to be used as natural remedies or cures. Please, buy them
at the stores, don't try to make these remedies on your own. If you have
small children around your home who are always putting things in their mouths,
please do not use these plants in your yard! A few innocent nibbles could
cause pernament health problems, if not death.
Aconit Alsike clove Amaranth pigweed Arrow grass AsparagusAstragalus Autumn crocus Barley Bitterweed Borage Blindweed Bloodroot Blue cohosh Blue green algae Box Buckthorn Buckwheat Bur clover Bunch-grass Buttercups Cacti Chamomile Cashew-nut Caster bean Catalpa Celandine Cherry laurel Chicory Choke-cherry Crimson Clover Christmas berry Christmas Rose Corn Chamomile Corn cockle Corn fodder Cow Cockle Cow-parsnip Curley dock Cursed Crowfoot Cypress spurge Daphne Docks Dog Fennel Downy brome-grass Encelia californica English Ivy Fan Weed Fireball Flax Fleabane False flax Field peppergrass Flowering spurge Foxglove Gas Plant Golden pea Goosefoot Great burdock Gumweed Hares ear mustard Hedge mustard Hembane Hemp Hercules club Hop Horse tail ferns India-wheat Iris Jack-in-the-pulpit Japanese Varnish Tree Jimson Weed Johnson grass Juniper Knapweed Ladys Thumb Lantana Larkspur Leafy spurge Leatherwood Lechuguilla Lesser wart-cress Lily of the Valley Lobelia Lupines Maidenhair tree Manchineel Marsh-elder Marsh marigold Matrimony-vine May apple Meadow saffron Mentzelia Mercury Mild Water Pepper Mole-plant Mossy Stonecrop Motherwort Mountain Mahogany Mullein Mustards Narcissus Needle grass Nightshade Oaks Oats Oreander Opium poppy Osage-orange Ox-eyed Daisy Papaw Phacelia Pigweed Pin cherry Poison-hemlock Poison Ivy Poison Oak Poison Sumac Poison-wood Porcupine-grass Poverty Weed Pretty spurge Primrose Princes-pine Princess plume Punture vine Rabbit-bush Rabbit-foot clover Rattle-box Rubarb Rue Russian thristle Sagebrush Sandbur Salt bush Shad-scale Sheep sorrel Small arrow grass Sour dock St. Johns Wart Stinging nettles Stick-leaf Scarlet Pomoernel Smartweeds Showy Ladies Slipper Snow-on-the-Mountians Sorgum Spanish needles Spurge Spurge nettle Squirrel-tail-grass Star thristle Stick-tights Suckleya Suckleyana Sudan-grass Sugar beet Summer Cypress Sunflower Sun spurge Sycamore Tansy Tarweed Thorn-apple Timber milk vetch Thunderwood Tree of Heaven Tumble mustard Tumbling pigweed Turkey mullein Turnips Two-grooved milk vetch Velvet-grass Veratrum virde Vipers bugloss Virgins-bower Wafer ash Water ash Western choke-cherry Wheat White ragweed Witch grass Wild Aster Wild Barley Wild Black Cherry Wild Garlic Wild Carrot Wild Ginger Wild Oats Wild Onions Wild Parsnip Wild Radish White Sage Wood nettle Woodworm Woody Aster Wire Grass Yarrow Yellow Lady Slipper Yellow Jessamine Yellow Pine flax |
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