Copyright 2005 by Mahlon Erickson

Last Updated 31 Oct 2005

On this page I will include miscellaneous records that I have extracted and accumulated. These are records I will check for a fee. Fees are $1 per individual per source, or $25 per hour for extended research.

• Divorces in Payne County 1891-1901
Payne County Divorces were filed in Civil Court until about 1936 or 1940. Therefore, finding reference to these records can be very difficult. I have extracted the names of the divorcing parties, the Civil Court Case #, the year of initial filing, and the date and location of marriage. Sometimes included are named of children, parents, maiden names, and/or property owned. Please realize that not all cases filed ended in divorce. Several were dismissed by agreement of both parties. Others were dismissed, and then the other party filed and was granted a divorce. My extractions currently are through 1902. I hope to have more time to extract records in the near future.

"Funeral Homes in Payne County"
Payne County has been served by many funeral homes over the years. Listed here are funeral homes that I have identified as having been in existence in Payne County.

"Payne County Obituary Index"............ Over 22,000 records
Extractions of vital information from Payne County area newspapers 1889-1925, 1941-1943, 1967-1973, 1985-2001. Entries through 1910 include all important genealogical information in the obit. Later extractions are one line of info including name, birth/age, death, relationship, cemetery of burial. Over 22,000 obits/death notices currently in the index.

Mahlon's Genealogy Sources

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