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Department of Health and Human Services
Administration for Children and Families
Office of Child Support Enforcement

July 15, 1997

*Denotes Existing Program





Data Elements

Reporting Time Frame



Alabama *

(but not for child support purposes)

Legislation PASSED Effective 10/1/97

Department of Industrial Relations

W-4 plus Date of Hire, rehire and/or recall

7 days

$25 per violation

Alaska *

Welfare reform legislation passed with a 2 year sunset provision. New hire not included--will be reintroduced in 1998 session

Undecided. Currently resides within IV-D

W-4 elements

20 days

Penalties not to exceed $1,000

Arizona *

Amending legislation PASSED (voluntary program) Effective 10/1/98

Plans are to house SDNH in IV-D

W-4 elements

20 days

No penalty plan in place


Legislation has PASSED; effective 10/1/97

To be housed in Employment Security Division

W-4 elements

20 days

Employer who fails to report will be cited to court for resolution

California *

Amending legislation is going through fiscal committee

Plans are to keep in Employment Development Department

W-4 plus State EIN, employee's expected start of work date

20 days

$24 and $490 for conspirac y

Colorado *

Legislation has PASSED; effective 10/1/97

Plans are house in IV-D; plan is to privatize

W-4 elements

20 days

No penalties for employers who fail to report

Connecticut *

Amending legislation PASSED; transmission of data to NDNH effective 10/1/97; all other compliance requirements effective 10/1/98

Plans are to keep in the Department of Labor

W-4 plus CT tax registration number

20 days

No penalties


Legislation has PASSED, effective 10/1/97

Likely to be housed in IV-D


20 days

$25; $500

District of


Legislation to be introduced April, 1997

Plans are to house SDNH in Department of Employment Services

not known at this time

not known at this time

Penalties for employers unknown at this time

Florida *

Legislation PASSED; effective 10/1/98

Will be housed in SESA until 10/1/98. SESA will send its data separately and not through SDNH. Plan is to privatize.

W-4 and date of hire. Date of birth if available

20 days

No penalties for employers

Georgia *

Amending legislation PASSED; effective 4/16/97 (Amending legislation mandates all employers report--additional fixes to be made next year.)

Plan to keep existing SDNH within Department of Administrative Services

W-4 plus date of birth, date of hire, employer's phone number

10 days

No penalties for employers


No legislation drafted or proposed. Would like to see other states' bills

Hawaii *

Legislation PASSED; effective 10/1/98

Currently in Department of Labor but will move to CSE on Oct. 1, 1998

W-4 elements

12 -16 days

$25; $500 for conspirac y


Legislation has PASSED; effective 7/1/97

Plan to house SDNH in SESA

W-4 elements

20 days

No penalty for employers


Legislation has PASSED. Effective 10/1/97

Current plans are to house in SESA

Plan to privatize majority of process, including employer outreach

W-4 and will accept date of hire and wage withholding address if employer volunteers the information

20 days

$15; $500 for conspirac y


Legislation PASSED, effective 10/1/97

Plan to house in SESA

W-4 elements

20 days

$25, $500

Iowa *

Amending legislation has PASSED; effective date is 7/1/97

Plan to keep in Dept. of Human Services/Bureau of Collections

W-4 plus employer's phone number, medical insurance availability and when employee qualifies for medical coverage, start date and date of birth

15 days

Contempt of court


Legislation has PASSED; effective.

Appears to be some confusion over housing since legislators believe quarterly wage information is the same as new hire information. KS lawmakers think they already have a new hire program and that it's housed in SESA. SESA is negotiating with IV-D.

W-4 elements

20 days

No penalties for employers

Kentucky *

Legislative session does not convene until 1998

Undecided, currently housed in SESA but may move to IV-D

W-4 plus date of hire and availability of medical insurance

Currently 7 days but draft legislation is 20 days

Currently there is no penalty; plans for legislation unknown


Legislation has PASSED; effective date is 10/1/97

Plan is to house SDNH in IV-D

W-4 elements

20 days

$25; $500


Amending legislation has

PASSED to authorize state to transmit data to NDNH

Plan to continue housing SDNH in IV-D agency

W-4 plus date of birth

7 days

Still under considerat ion; leaning toward $25

Maryland *

Amended legislation has PASSED; effective 7/1/97

Plan to continue housing SDNH in IV-D agency; plan to privatize data collection and entry

W-4 plus date of hire and State employer UI number

20 days

$20; $500 levied monthly

Massachusetts *

Amending legislation has not yet been introduced.

SDNH housed in Department of Revenue (Tax Administration)

W-4 elements

14 days

$25-first offense; $50-second offense; $100-third and subsequen t offenses


No plans to introduce legislation, state plans to implement based on federal law

Tentative plans to house SDNH within Michigan Department of Management and Budget; plan to privatize receiving, compiling and transmitting new hire reports and employer outreach

W-4 plus Michigan's W-4 form which includes date of hire and drivers license number

20 days

No penalties for employers

Minnesota *

Amending legislation PASSED for use of new hire data for TANF, SESA and DoL. Effective date is 7/1/97

Plan to continue housing SDNH within IV-D agency; plan to privatize nearly all aspects

W-4 plus employee date of birth when available

20 days

$25; 500

Mississippi *

(but not for child support purposes)

Legislation PASSED; effective 7/1/97

Plan is to house within IV-D; will privatize most or all of program

W-4 elements

15 days

$25; $500

Missouri *

Amending legislation PASSED

Plan to have employers report to Dept. of Revenue, but IV-D will maintain records;

plan to privatize data entry

W-4 elements and date of hire OR date when W-4 was signed

20 days

$25, $500


Legislation has PASSED; effective 10/1/97

Plan to house SDNH within IV-D

W-4 plus date of birth, date of hire, medical insurance availability, date available for dependents

20 days


Legislation has PASSED; effective 10/1/97

Plan is to house in IV-D, although this may change after debate; will probably privatize most of the process

W-4 elements

20 days

$25, effective 10/1/98


Legislation has PASSED; effective 10/1/97

Undecided, may house in IV-D with daily tapes from SESA

W-4 elements

20 days

Probably will not include penalties in bill

New Hampshire

Legislation has PASSED, effective 10/1/97

Plan to house in SESA

W-4 elements

20 days

No penalties for employers

New Jersey

Legislation drafted and will be introduced this Fall

Plan is to house in IV-D

Nothing beyond W-4 at this time

20 days

$25; $500

New Mexico

Legislation has PASSED; effective no later than 10/1/97.

Plan to house SDNH in IV-D

W-4 elements. Voluntary elements include date or hire or 1st payroll date, date of birth, employer phone number, availability of medical insurance

20 days

$20; $500

New York *

Amending legislation is pending

SDNH is housed in State Dept. of Social Services, supported by automated Child Support Management System with contract for receipt and data entry

W-4 elements

20 days

$25; $450

North Carolina

Legislation passed finance committee and is now in the House

Plan is to house within IV-D; plan is to privatize all or most of new hire reporting program

W-4 elements

20 days

$25, $500 for conspirac y

North Dakota

Legislation has PASSED; effective 10/1/97

SDNH to be housed in IV-D

W-4 elements

20 days

$20, $250 for conspirac y

Ohio *

Amending legislation is pending. Effective 10/1/98

Plan to continue housing within IV-D; plan to continue privatizing all aspects up to match process. SESA to send quarterly wage and UI information directly to NDNH.

W-4 plus date of hire and date of birth

20 days (current is 30)

$25, $500

Oklahoma *

Legislation has PASSED; effective 7/1/97

New hire reports will be submitted to and entered by SESA and will be passed on to IV-D; plan is to privatize some or all aspects

W-4 plus state of hire and date of hire

20 days

Probably no penalty for employers

Oregon *

Amending legislation PASSED; effective 10/1/98. Four year sunset provision.

Plan is to continue housing within IV-D

W-4 elements

20 days

$25; $500


Nothing introduced at this time. Session ends December, 1997

SDNH to be housed in SESA

W-4 elements plus state of hire (for multi-state employers only), date of hire, date of birth, employer contact and phone number

20 days

$25; $500

Puerto Rico

Legislation to be introduced 8/97.

Plan to house in IV-D



Penalty unknown

Rhode Island

Legislation has PASSED; awaiting

Governor's signature;

effective date 10/1/97

New hire information to be submitted to Revenue Department OR designee. May privatize some aspects.

W-4 elements, plus date of hire, availability of medical insurance, and eligibility date, wage withholding address

14 days

$25; $500

South Carolina *

Legislation has PASSED; effective 10/1/98

Plan is to continue housing within IV-D

W-4 elements

20 days

$25 for second offense; $500 for conspirac y

South Dakota

Legislation has PASSED; effective 10/1/97

Plan is to house with SESA

W-4 elements

20 days


Tennessee *

Legislation has PASSED, effective 10/1/97

Plan is to move SDNH function from SESA to IV-D; plan is to privatize some aspects

W-4 elements

20 days

$20 for each employee; $400 for conspirac y

Texas *

Amending legislation has PASSED. Some parts of legislation will be effective 10/1/97 (transmitting to federal level); while other mandatory requirements, will become effective 10/1/98.

SDNH will be housed in IV-D agency; plan to privatize some aspects, will know more when bill passes

W-4 elements (current system goes beyond that)

20 days (currently has a 15 day timeframe)

$25; $500


Legislation PASSED; effective 7/1/97

Plan is to house within SESA

W-4 elements and date of hire

20 days

$25, $500

Vermont *

Legislation has PASSED; effective 10/1/98

Plan to house within SESA

W-4 elements

20 days

$500 for conspirac y only

Virgin Islands

Nothing drafted yet. Plan is to introduce legislation sometime within 1997.




Penalty unknown

Virginia *

SESA introduced bill ( which PASSED)to allow them to transmit quarterly wage and UI data for 1997; other new hire amendments will bring VA into compliance in 1998

Plan is to move from SESA to a vendor under contract in IV-D agency. Plan to continue to privatize data entry, data accuracy, employer outreach and compliance. SESA will receive reports and transmit to vendor.

W-4 plus State identifying number

20 days (Current law allows 35 days)

No penalty at present

Washington *

Amending Legislation has PASSED; allows WA to send data to OCSE. Effective 10/1/97

Plan is to continue housing in IV-D

Proposed elements:W-4 plus date of birth and employer's UBI number and State EIN

Proposed timeframe of 20 days

$200 (will amend in 1998)

West Virginia *

One new hire provision was PASSED (penalties for employer effective 7/1/97). WV has until 10/1/98 to amend.

Plan is to continue housing within IV-D

W-4 plus date of birth, date of hire, payroll address

14 days

$20; $350


Legislation will be introduced as part of budget bill, should be passed before 9/97

Plan is to house SDNH within SESA

W-4 plus date of birth

20 days

$25, $500


Legislation has PASSED; effective 7/1/97

SDNH will be housed in SESA

W-4 elements

20 days

$25 or less, still undecided

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