Will of John Cannifax
The Will of John Cannifax (Sr) Probated March 3rd 1752 Will Book 1 pg. 52 Cumberland County VA.
In the name of God Amen, I John Cannifax of Cumberland Co. being sick and weak but of perfect mind and memory blessed be God do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Vis’t. First I commit my soul into the hands of almighty God hoping through the merits of Jesus Christ to receive pardon of all my sins my body to be decently interr’d at the discretion of my excecutors hereafter mentioned imprimis I give and bequeath to my son John Cannifax all my land lying between the main road and Jones Creek to him and his heirs forever. I give and bequeath to my son James Cannifax in lieu of a joynture to the said James’s mother of one hundred pounds to be settled on the heir of my body begotton on her all my land and plantation lying between the main road and Fine Creek also my part of Fine Creek Mill to be held and enjoy’d by him after the death of his said mother to whom I give the use during her life and then to the said James and to his heirs forever.My will is that is that my personal Estate be and remain on the premises under the management and direction of my executors untill my son William comes of age and then to be disposed of in manner following Vis’t. That my daughter Mary be paid out of my Estate thirty pounds current money and that she immediately after my decease have her mothers side saddle and gold ring.That my daughter Elizabeth have five pounds paid her when my son William comes of age and that all the residue of my Estate after my just debts are paid I give to be eqully divided amongst my beloved wife, John , Edward and William Cannifax and do appoint my said wife and son John Cannifax of this my last will and testament revoking all wills by me heretofore made in witness whereof I have set my hand and seal this seventh day of Febuary 1752. John Cannifax, L.S. Signed sealed and acknowlaged in presence of Thomas Turpin,Joseph Akin, John Epperson. March 1752.
Will of John Canefax
Will of John Canefax (Jr) Campbell County VA. April 11th 1799
In the name of God Amen, I John Canefax of Campbell County being very weak of body but of perfect sence and memory and understanding it is appointed once for all men to die do make this my last Will and testament in manner and form to wit. I give my soul to God that he gave it and my body to decent burial as my Excecutor shall think proper. My will and desire is that my Excecutor pay all my just debts out of my estate. Item I give and bequeath to my son Radford Canefax all my tract of land whereon I now live also all my stock of all kinds household and citchen furniture plantation utensils waggon ect. to him and his heirs forever. Item my will and desire is that my son Radford Canefax maintain his mother in a deasessth manner out of my estate her life time and she shall not be disturbed in the dwelling house without her consent.Item my will and desire is that my son Radford Canefax pay to each of his sisters by name Nancy Brown wife of John Brown, Sally Vest wife of Wm. Vest, Betsy Vest wife of Thos.Vest, Mary Vest wife of Samuel Vest and Rebecca West wife of Benjamin West to each of them forty shillings to be in full of my estate as above given to him. Item I give to my son Benjamin Canafax to be paid by his brother Radford Canifax out of my estate left to him one hundred pounds to him and his heirs forever. Item My will and desire is that my son Radford Canifax pay to my daughter Sucky Canefax one hundred pounds out of my estate given to him which I give to my said daughter as her portion of my estate to her and her heirs forever.Item I give my son William Canefax nintey seven acres of land which my said son sold to George Cox and for which I am bound to make a wright in fule of all his portion of my estate.My will and desire is that the court shall not hold my Executor herein after mentioned to security on account of his taking probate of this my last will in order to act therein.My will and desire is further that my Executor shall not return an inventory and appraisment of my estate to court. I do now by these presents constitute and appoint my beloved son Radford Canefax my whole and sole Executor of this my last will and testament given under my hand and seal this eleventh day of April in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and nintey nine. John Canefax Signed sealed and published in the presents of us Thomas M.Clark, George Cox, Josiah Cox. ( This Will was proved April 11th 1803 )
Will of Radford Cannefax Greene County Mo.
Radford Cannefax's will is now at the Greene County Archives, 1126 Boonville, Springfield, MO 65802. Phone: 417-868-4021. Will Book 2:20-22. Following is an abstract:
Radford Cannefax of Greene County, State of Missouri, wrote his will on 2 July 1839 and bequeathed to beloved wife, Anne, all the property and money due him. His son Joseph Cannefax was given negro boys Reuben and young Peter and forty acres of land. Son John Cannefax was to receive negro boy Isham, a horse and enough money to buy forty acres at government price; son Calvin Cannefax was bequeathed one negro boy, Jim, as his full portion; daughters Nancy Stockton and Polly Stockton were each to have $100; son Benjamin W. Cannefax received negro boys Henry and Gilbert; son Chesley Cannefax’s bequest was two negro boys Nat and Andrew and a negro girl Sarah; daughter Jane Ingram received two negro girls, Polly and Philis; daughter Elizabeth Steele was given negro woman Anica and a negro boy Daniel. The two old negroes Peter and Esther were to live with any of the children they pleased. If they chose not live with any of them, they were to be sold with the proceeds going into the estate. These bequests were to be distributed at the death or expiration of his wife’s widowhood. His wife and son Benjamin were to be executors and Joseph Rountree and Richard Steele witnessed the will. It was proved 27 October 1843.