The following is the pedigree information that I have on my father's paternal side:

     PEDIGREE CHART FOR Robert Lee UHREY - Father of Marc K. Uhrey     	As of 12 Sept 1999 
     					CHART 1
                                                                                                32 Joannes Henricus UHREN-----
                                                                    16 Philippus UHREN------------|    (See Chart 2 below)
                                                                      | RIN: 26                 33 Maria Eva COHNEN-----------
                                         8 Joannes UHREN--------------| BIRTH:  5 Oct 1790                                    
                                          | RIN: 16                   |    Niede,Rhei,Preu,Germ 34 ---------------------------
                                          | BIRTH: 1824             17 Magdalena HIMPELER---------|                           
                                          |    ,Rheinland,Preus,Germ    RIN: 27                 35 ---------------------------
             4 Christopherus H. UHREN-----| MARR: 20 Jan 1847 --3       BIRTH:                                                
              | RIN: 4                    |    Biersd,Rhei,Preu,Germ                            36 ---------------------------
              | BIRTH: 23 Jul 1858        | DEATH: 15 Dec 1866      18 ---------------------------|                           
              |    Biersd,Rhei,Preu,Germ  |    Biersd,Rhei,Preu,Germ  | RIN:                    37 ---------------------------
              | MARR: 1883 --2           9 Annae MAYER----------------| BIRTH:                                                
              |    Probab,Rhei,Pfal,Germ    RIN: 17                   |                         38 ---------------------------
              | DEATH: 17 Aug 1917          BIRTH:                  19 ---------------------------|                           
              |    Osborne,Osborne,KS          Oberweiler,,Germany      RIN:                    39 ---------------------------
         2 John Nicholas UHREN----------    DEATH:                      BIRTH:                                                
          |   | RIN: 2                         Biersdorf                                        
          |   | BIRTH:  9 Jun 1896                                                              40 ---------------------------
          |   |    Osborne,Osborne,KS                               20 ---------------------------|                           
          |   | MARR: Feb 1921(Div) --1                               | RIN:                    41 ---------------------------
          |   |    Osborne,Osborne,Kans 10 ---------------------------| BIRTH:                                                
          |   | DEATH: 24 May 1977        | RIN:                      |                         42 ---------------------------
          |   |    Chanute,Neosho,KS      | BIRTH:                  21 ---------------------------|                           
          |   |                           |                             RIN:                    43 ---------------------------
          |  5 Catherine MAYERHOFT--------| MARR:                       BIRTH:                                                
          |     RIN: 5                    |                                                     44 ---------------------------
          |     BIRTH:  7 Jun 1864        | DEATH:                  22 ---------------------------|                           
          |        Mainz,,,Germany        |                           | RIN:                    45 ---------------------------
	  |     DEATH:  1 Jan 1907      11 ---------------------------| BIRTH:                                                
My father:|        Concordia,Cloud,KS       RIN:                      |                         46 ---------------------------
      1 Robert Lee UHREY-----------         BIRTH:                  23 ---------------------------|                           
          | RIN: 1                                                      RIN:                    47 ---------------------------
          | BIRTH: 13 Aug 1926              DEATH:                      BIRTH:                                                
          |    Osborne,Osborne,KS                                                               
          | MARR:                                                                               
          | DEATH:                                                   
          | SPOUSE(S):                    
         3 Phoebe Ann DESHLER---(See Deshler Page)
               RIN: 3                                                                          
               BIRTH:  7 Dec 1899                                                              
               DEATH: 25 Jun 1975                                    
      + means the individual is a child in another family.
      Relationship: (B)=Biological, (A)=Adopted, (G)=Guardian, (C)=Challenged, (D)=Disproved
      PEDIGREE CHART FOR Robert Lee UHREY - Father of Marc K. Uhrey    As of 12 Sept 1999
      Number 1 on this chart is the same as no. 32 on chart no. 1 
                                          CHART 2
                                         8 -----------
             4 Petrus UHREN---------------|
              | RIN: 29                   | 
              | BIRTH:  6 Oct 1698        |
              |    Flerin,Rhei,Preu,Germ  | 
              | MARR: Abt 1720 --16      9 -----------
              |    Flerin,Rhei,Preu,Germ 
              | DEATH:  9 Oct 1759
              |    Flerin,Rhei,Preu,Germ               
         2 Petrus UHREN-----------------
          |   | RIN: 28                                                                         
          |   | BIRTH: Abt 1721                                   
          |   |    Flerin,Rhei,Preu,Germ                           
          |   | MARR: Abt 1750 --15           
          |   |    ,,Germany            10 -----------
          |   | DEATH: 22 Mar 1772        |
          |   |    Flerin,Rhei,Preu,Germ  |
          |   |                           |
          |  5 Maria----------------------|
          |     RIN: 86                   |
          |     BIRTH: Abt 1700           |
          |        Flerin,Rhei,Preu,Germ  |             
          |     BURIAL:                 11 -----------
      1 Joannes Henricus UHREN-----
          | RIN: 77                                   
          | BIRTH: 20 Jul 1744
          |    Flerin,Rhei,Preu,Germ
          | MARR: 11 Oct 1782 --14
          |    Flerin,Rhei,Preu,Germ
          | DEATH: Abt 1810
          |    Niederpe,Rhei,Preu,Germ  12 -----------
          | SPOUSE(S):                    | 
          | Maria Eva COHNEN              | 
          |                               |
          |  6 ---------------------------|
          |   | RIN:                      |
          |   | BIRTH:                    |
          |   |                           |
          |   | MARR:                   13 -----------
          |   | 
          |   | DEATH:
          |   |
         3 Anna Maria-------------------            
              | RIN: 30                                                                         
              | BIRTH:                                                                          
              | DEATH: 12 Jan 1794                                    
              |    Fleringen,,Germany   14 -----------
              |                           |
              |                           |
              |                           |
             7 ---------------------------|
                RIN:                      |
                BIRTH:                    |
                DEATH:                  15 -----------

I would appreciate any definitive information such as birth/death dates or places regarding my Uhren ancestry that leads me to new ancestor names, and will send you whatever information I have in turn!!!

Please e-mail me if you have any information or want to correspond.

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