Week of 4/30 - 5/06
Mazal Tov to George and Sophie Kahana on their wedding (Erev Pesach).
R'fua Shleima
We want to wish Marvin Wachspress, a close friend and frequent benefactor of the Rambamshul, a complete and speedy recovery following his recent stroke.
Many thanks to Rabbi Eli Clark for sending us his hilarious satirical look at 'tzniut' for Purim this year.
Theparody is a must read for serious students and practioners of the subject
Thanks to Rambamshul internet maven Yossi Faber for posting the exciting and informative
Kolenu newsletter with the very latest in
davening times, shul events and innovative Hebrew spelling.
Approximate Shabbat Davening Times:
Kabbalat Shabbat -- 15 minutes after published candlelighting time
Shachrit --- 8:15 AM
Mincha -- 10 minutes before published candlelighting time
The Rambam shul Va'ad (governing board)
The Rosh haVa'ad is Robert Klein (hamoreh@netvision.net.il)
Assisting him will be Miriam Green (jgreen@bgumail.bgu.ac.il) and
Ze'ev Silverman(szeev@bgumail.bgu.ac.il)
Eva Weil our Gizbarit (Treasurer)
Yisroel Simkins, Gilad Kronman and Avigdor Hurowitz are the Gabbaim.
"Beautiful!" "Incredible transformation!" "Like a real shul!" The accolades continue to pour in as thousands (well, a few hundred, anyway) have now experienced the 'new' rambamshul during the Holidays. Needless to say, the members of the shul are proud of their new look and davening is certainly a more fulfilling experience now that we have plenty of room and temperature-controlled conditions.
Now we just need to pay for all of it...
We continue to scour the globe, searching for generous donors willing to help us cover the large expenses we have incurred in recent months, and to move onto the next and final phase of the project, estimated at about NIS 300,000 ($75,000). This includes addition of a Jerusalem stone finish to the outside of the shul and also the North wall inside, landscaping and purchase of new furniture and most importantly, a second sefer Torah. Exellent 'naming' opportunities exist for individuals who wish to leave a living memorial in Eretz Yisroel for a loved one. These include the main sanctuary and the synagogue itself.
Here are a few, now out-dated pics of the shul as it looked two weeks ago. And here a later set.
And here is a newer pic (finally!) to show what's been done so far - thru March 6th.
Here is another taken during Succot.
Interested in making a donation? The Rambamshul is in full fundraising mode to try and defray the costs of the rennovations. All donations are welcome and excellent naming opportunities exist to memorialize loved ones.
Please write checks or money orders to Young Israel of Great Neck, Chesed Fund, with a note that the money is earmarked for the Rambam Synagogue, Beer Sheva, Israel. Money can be forwarded to Mr. Aaron Wachspress
Great Neck, N.Y. 11021, phone 1-516-773-4298
Lecture Series
In the past few years the Rambamshul has hosted a number of lectures by outstanding women Torah scholars.
These include Mrs. Malke Bina from Jerusalem, Dr. Judy Newman from Beer Sheva and Dr. Emmy Zitter from Beit Shemesh. The Rambamshul is expanding our women's programs, both in the context of our annual Judy Gruber Memorial Lecture and as part of a new Rosh Chodesh series recently started at the shul.
Classes ('Shiurim')
* Shabbat - 'Sefer haHinnuch' Mr. Michael Benson
between Mincha and Maariv
* Wednesday ('yom rivi'i') - Talmud, tractate Succot, haRav Joseph Goldman
8:30 PM
If you are planning a visit to Israel, contact our hospitality committee for a Shabbat experience in Beer Sheva.
Dr. Ze'ev Silverman - szeev@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Mr. Jeff Green - jgreen@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Mrs. Lynne Conroy - Lynne@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Some Quality (and kosher) Links :
Special Thanks to the Following People on their support of the Rambam Building Project:
*Prof. Daniel and Mrs. Debbie Lasker for their important and
*Mrs. Lasker (senior) for her generous donation
*Rabbi and Mrs. Lerner of the Young Israel of Great Neck in New York, for their outstanding efforts on our behalf
*Dr. Marvin and Mrs. Barbara Wachspress for their constant support and generosity - and for their latest donation
*Mr. Aaron Wachspress of Great Neck for his outstanding and tireless efforts on behalf of the Rambamshul
*Prof. Avigdor and Dr. Ann Hurowitz for their generous donation
*Mr. Jeramy Weil and Mrs. Eva Weil for their important and
*Mr. Gilad and Mrs. Elisheva Kronman for their generous donation
*Mr. Israel Simpkins and Mrs. Golda Simpkins for their generous
*Mr. Nachman Mazurek and Mrs. Ruthie Mazurek of Yonkers, N.Y. for
In Memorium
The members of the Rambamshul family miss Ian Wiseman, z"l more than ever. Ian passed away suddenly almost a year ago now. Ian would have been deeply involved in the rennovation project at every level.
On Thursday, October 21st (11th of Mar Heshvan), a moving ceremony took place at the shul, together with Ian's family and friends. The ceremony was led by Mr. Pinchas Ziv. We honored his memory and dedicated a plaque on the site of the future Ian Weismann Library. Here's a picture of Ian's wife Regina after unveiling the plaque.
May his memory be for a blessing.
Here is a picture of Yehuda Wiseman , Ian's son, speaking at the memorial.
Here's another of Neil Hendel , one of the featured speakers.
Zichrono livrocha
Here is an up-to-date membership list (in Hebrew)
Parsha Page
And here is a new feature of Rambamnews -
the weekly Torah portion
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