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Posted by p'en on February 27, 2005 Email dated 10 Feb 2005. I need information about Deng's generation name. Do you have a complete list of them? Or someone else who probably has the list? Actually I'm looking for generation name after "TEK". |
Generation name is half of the two-Chinese
character given name. given to newborns in the same
generation of one surname lineage. It is called banci (Su Bui) in China...In Chinese practice, the
banci was shared by a lineage having a common ancestor
and generally originating in the same Chinese location.
Thus a single Chinese surname has many different
generational names associated with it, and people not
sharing the same banci are seen as coming from different
families... "He composed or he engaged a scholar to compose a poem of thirty six characters as a guide for his future descendants, a kind of family tree. The thirty six characters were divided into two rolls of eighteen characters each. The rolls were hung up left and right in between his family altar...For his children he used the first character of the roll hanging on the right hand side beside the altar. This character became the first generation name of his new family." |
Posted by P'en on
November 27, 2001 Who are they? |
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Posted by
P'en on July 18, 2001 I wonder if Tina's a member of the clan? Special Duty EEO Counselor Dr. Christina (Tina) Teng, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Tina was born in China and grew-up in Taiwan. She came to US as a graduate student at the University of Texas, Austin where she obtained her Ph.D. She has two married daugthers, one lives in Geneva, Switzerland and the other in Los Angles. Besides science, she plays piano and enjoys classical music. |
If she had registered her maiden name in
China then it's definitely not surname Deng. The odds are
better If she did it in Taiwan. A: One way to find out is to send her an email for an answer. note: The related website says to contact Dr. Teng with NIEHS EEO related questions only. |
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