Whats the definition of child support? -Child support is the legal obligation of a non-custodial (or absent) parent to contribute to the economic maintenance of his or her child and the payments under the obligation. Child support can include: an amount of money to be paid on a regular basis, reimbursement for child care, health care, and educational expenses, and premium payments for health insurance.
How long must child support be paid? --Child support must be paid from birth to the age of 21.
How is Child Support Established? --A support order resulting from a petition filed with the court must be established before enforcement of child support can be required. A child support order spells out the amount of the obligation and how it is to be paid. (Issues of custody and visitation may not be addressed in the support order but will be addressed seperately by the court. A parent does not need a lawyer to go to court.
How much child support must be paid? --This is normally a percentage of the parent's gross income, based on the number of children: 17% for one child: 25% for two children: 29% for three children: 31% for four children: and no less than 35% for five or more children. I must tell all fathers out there this is not set in stone and you do not have to sit by and accept this. Email me for more on this.