note that this article is just my opinion of breastfeeding and should not be taken
as offense.
Thank you.
Vanilla Smell
Since your baby lives inside of
you, it gives your body birth into animal-like. You get yourself a nice belly, just like
an animal, and then you push your baby out just like an animal. Animals lick their babies
into shape, so do we by kissing poor little them all over. Animals feed their babies with
their milk… Not all women do.
think, it’s not just of a ‘because’ reason bottle-nipples are designed in a
mother’s nipple shape… And not just of the same reason, all formulas are designed to
be of approximate taste to Mother’s milk… Babies like sweet yet living in your womb,
as scientists suppose, and – did you ever taste it? It tastes awful for grown-ups, but
still it is sweet, and smells of vanilla…
My Mother
lost her milk supply when I was a month and a half. I’ve been so lucky to have had it
bursting for a year with my first daughter, and I'm keeping it up live with my second one
so far..
Yes, it’s
been almost three yearsr, since I'm a mother. And it’s been almost three years
since I first held my firstborn in my arms trying to show her the right way to latch her
best, and she soundly fell asleep after a couple of drops of colostrum…. My
baby knows values of things after those couple of drops. And I had enough time to be
I agree,
it’s not so convenient, to be fattish, and always explain to inquiring minds and
faces, “Hey, guys, I’m breastfeeding”… But did you ever see those inquiring faces
change to amazed faces with, “Wow, girl, well done!”. It’s not so convenient
to deny yourself a glass of good wine in a good circle of good friends… It’s not so
convenient, I agree, to wake up in the morning in a milk pond, jump out of your warm bed and run pumping because your baby is
fast asleep…
I guess, the
list of reasons is not complete here, and every Mother can use her own reasons, but what
is all that in comparison with the feeling that you’re the only one your baby lives on?
My reasons
for breastfeeding go beyond mere health recommedations. Since my children don't have
extra-immunity, they do have allergies, eczema, they are prone to colds, just like any
a matter of pride, that your baby needs you, not anybody else to nourish herself
upon! You’ll chose later for how long, but still in the beginning it’s tiresome, but
it’s a very sweet feeling of you being NEEDED by someone very special and precious. The
only thing you do in return is produce that sweet vanilla liquid. And in order to
keep it up the only thing you do is feed your baby and feel her vanilla smell enriched by
your milk…
husband could testify the smell all the house acquires when there is a
breastfed baby there. Once my baby and I had to go away from home for a week, and with our
arrival the first thing he said entering the door, “The smell of home is home.
Vanilla smell…”
smells of potatoes! And tastes of raw. I found that out when started to wean my daughter,
and thought she was still so littlel for cow’s milk. And my ever open to all organic
foods baby, refused to drink after three drops of it. Her sour face said
everything… Obviously, it tasted unnatural. And then I smelled it … nothing close to
By the way,
when I was scrupulously studying the ingredients,
one thing caught my eyes, “Pediatricians remind that you should hold your baby not to
let her choke while being fed”. No one will remind a nursing Mom to hold her baby,
it goes without saying…
also remind that your baby needs your constant touch, and I guess there’s not a big
number of those who can avoid it nursing naturally…
You can avoid
those six steps in preparing food for you baby, heating, cooling, sterilizing… You pop
it out just like that, ready to serve. Kind of a mystery trick…
And one more
thing here, it’s free. Your baby will have enough time to interfere with your family
budget, but here you save for 6 months at least… I would never think of that, but my
hubby once told me about a talk to one of his acquaintances. “My wife is nursing”,
Saving on your baby?”, that man said… It had never occurred to us before. It
only had occurred that I saved my babies'
antibodies and injected some of mine into them. And not only antibodiess, I
And some vanilla, for smell.