
To the Ayers Family Guestbook!

This is what other visitors have had to say about our page.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.

Lewis Ayers - 11/13/99 09:52:33
My Email:lewisayers@breathemail.net

Hi, I am Lewis Ayers from Stockton on Tees, England. Hello from across the water, and congratulations on your website.

Lisa Sanders - 11/11/99 00:51:02
My Email:lisasanders_1999@yahoo.com

What a great web site!!! Thanks guys! I love the Bob page, how cute!

Andy, Sally, & the gang - 11/02/99 17:50:43
My Email:st1@uswest.net

Mark & Amy - I can't tell from the pictures what the gender is, but, if Baby Ayers' father is so ecstatic that he bought the boy a new suit, then Baby's attributes must be impressive.... Best of everything to you - Love and all that stuff... a.

Mandi Ayers - 11/02/99 04:38:39
My Email:DuCYCLOPS@aol.com

Hello. I was just messing around on the computer tonight, and I rarely just type something in and search, but I typed in Ayers and came up with your site. I am from N.C. My dad's family was from the mountains of N.C.- a little town called Marion. Just wanted to say hello!

Amanda Little - 09/15/99 23:18:24
My Email:alittle@microage.com

Hey Amy!! i loved viewing all of the pictures, very cute!! Congrats. again on baby Ayers. I think you re having a girl. Hugs. Bob's page ROCKS!!! I did not see a place to sign his guest book so please tell him "hi"

Ohio Ayers & co. - 09/05/99 18:51:02
My Email:www.kullgren@concentric.net

This is Grandma and Grandpa saying "Hello" from Cleveland (a long distance away instead of "next door." We love you each one. Your web site is fun!

Anne Pardington - 09/04/99 23:09:22
My Email:aparding@aol.com

Hi, Amy, How nice to have this way to catch up with you. Suzanne tipped me off to your web site. Congratulations on the marriage and the coming baby. I am glad you and Suzanne have stayed in touch. You were always one of her finest friends. Best wishes, Anne P. (Suzanne's mom)

Colleen/just1moreplz - 08/11/99 03:20:15
My Email:LaideeeeQ@aol.com

Congrats again, Amy! The baby is perfect already. Hope your pregnancy is a happy and healthy one.

Your Cleveland Family - 08/10/99 20:39:39
My Email:kullgren@concentric.net

Amy - Love you! Love Mark! Love Tyler! Love Bob! Love the Blip! Aunt Diana

John Kullgren - 08/06/99 02:34:57
My Email:kullgren@en.com

Much love to you both!!! Congratulations on the news of your future family member!

Beth Le Sieur - 08/04/99 15:55:43
My Email:Beth04843@aol.com

Hello Amy, Hope you don't mind my stopping by... I am a fellow March Mom and followed your link over from your post on the March2000 Mom's page. Congratulations!!! I had an u/s at same exact stage and it was soooo exciting to see the little heart pumping away. What blessing. Enjoy!

chloenh - 06/11/99 01:16:35

you're doing a great job it looks terrific!

Deborah - 05/13/99 10:51:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nb/deb/index.html
My Email:daggettd@nbnet.nb.ca

This is a lovely web site and I have enjoyed my visit here. Bob looks like a great dog - we are dog lovers too. I enjoyed seeing your family and all about you, too.

Robbye - 02/02/99 18:18:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/5054/
My Email:robbye2@ivillage.com

Hi there Amy, now I can put a face to the words! Get photos and you're neices and nephews are adorable. Our turn soon!

Barbara - 12/19/98 00:09:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/6942
My Email:barbarab@lycosmail.com

Nice page. Bob looks like a great dog. Your Heartland Garden Community Leader Barbara

David Ayraud - 12/14/98 15:24:09
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/ayraud
My Email:dayraud@CFP-Board.org

Don't be surprised if those country graphics so up on our website, or at least Tiffany's part. It's great so far! I'm happy I could be the first to sign the guest book!

Amy - 12/12/98 17:56:02
My Email:amyloo1116@aol.com

This is just a test!

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