How to use Our Database

Our database is pretty easy to use.  Just go to the "Search our database now" section of our homepage.  Read the introduction and the help files that appear auotmaticlly with the yellow back ground.

Roots web has placed ads over some of my help icons so this is how you use my pages.

After my intro page comes up it will go straight to a help page with a yellow background.  To return to the intro page please use your "back" browser button.  Now look carefully at the small print at the top of the page.  You will see..

   "You can browse the data manually while waiting for the search indexes to load"

Click there to begin your search.

Click on the name you are looking for and "poof" you're there.  If you pick a name with many people, you will be put at the top of the list and you will just scroll down the names that appear in alphabetical order.

Each person has all his information with him.  Dates, parents, spouse, children.  Links are provided to search out any of these other people as well.  So why send for a full file from us?  We will send you all the notes about where you can find the information yourself including film and page numbers.  We have also included godparents and witnesses of marriages that are not included in the database program.  You will also get Latin names for the earlier people.