Who are
The Altar
Pastor: Father Pat Robinson (480)948-8370
Director of Religious Education: Paulette Colin (480) 998-1665 #216
Youth Minister:
Now, on to what Teens in the Holy Spirit is. THS is the high school
aged youth group here at CBS. We meet on Sunday evenings following
the 5:15pm Mass .We get together to learn about our faith and do some great stuff like indoor rock
climbing and video scavenger hunts, and we do it all in celebration of
the Lord's greatest gift, LIFE! We celebrate life by learning about
it ( in great Let's Talk sessions), respecting it (always!), honoring it
(service to others is our honor), and living it! Why don't you join
us? We'll be in the youth room (Father Tom Walsh Hall)on Sundays,
6:30-9:30pm. Times and activities vary so check the calendar first!
Peace and God Bless!
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