I am a stay at home, homeschooling, mom to 5. I have been married to Mark since June 15, 1996. Our children are Tyler (10), Samantha (5), Jenna (4), Jeremy (2) and Alex (1/21/03).
We live in the Catskill region of New York with our dog (Binx), rabbit (Camelot) and 12 chickens. (Actually we just got rid of the chickens, but hope to get more when we move to IL.)
I have too many hobbies and not enough time in the day. I love playing with my kids, creating websites, scrapbooking, cross stitch, gardening, photography...
I love learning as much as I can about natural health, whole foods, unassisted pregnancy and birth, homeopathics, etc...
I love homeschooling! I love teaching my children about our Lord Jesus Christ!
I pray that you will find information that you can use on this site. I realize that not all of the information
is for everyone. This site is like a shoe store. Browse around, try it on...if it works GREAT, if not feel free to leave it.
I would love to hear from you! Feel free to email me!
Love in Christ,
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