Welcome to our Guestbook!

Virginia Inel Reynolds - 12/19/00 01:31:33
My Email:vinelr@yahoo.com

WOW, I am impressed !!!! You have made this very interesting...

Frankie J. Smith - 12/07/00 15:22:07
My Email:frankies@wireweb.net

Hi, I am a friend of Frieda Postons. We worked together at Randolph AFB several years ago. I need to get in touch with her. Do you know her E-mail address or what has become of her? My daughter is Terri Chesney, her husband is Pat. I believe you knew them in Pecos. I enjoyed your web page very much and would like to have one of my own. I have just had my computer for a few weeks now, so do not know much about it. Terri sent me a cute message about the "Fat lady singing" in Florida. I would be glad to go and sing, and I am kind of fat...ha! Well, I've got to go now so let me know about Frieda and Floyd. Thanks a lot. Frankie

Terri Chesney - 12/03/00 13:19:35
My Email:custserv@calpha.com

HI, I'm Pat Chesney's wife. Was reading your email about microwaving water -thanks for that - and saw you had a web page so took time to view it. Was glad I did. Will get Lil and Pat to look at it later today when they are up. You have done a great job! L ved your including info about your family thought that was great. Your mother must be related to my Ark grandmother who lived healthy and active to age 102. Pat has started a business constructing web pages. Recently his niece wrote to ask him to give her church she works for a bid on doing a web page. So I looked at your churches web page. Thought that was nice esp that you can link to it and help people get linked up. I am glad Pat has gotten back in contact with lots of his old friends over email from ecos days. We have a web page with our first granddaugther featured on it. i don't have the url but will get Pat to give it to you. Being a grandparent is amazing and wonderful in many ways. Pat and his mother are still dark headed and look twenty yrs you ger then their ages. Lil is a big blessing and very active in serving all those around her. She is still as you knew her I'm sure. If you ever want to stop by and visit us on your way to Austin or point south we are just five miles off the interstate on a farm. Would love to show you the pottery shop our daughters work at nearby on the farm our church owns by the Brazos river. Thanks again for your hospitality via your home page :)

BJ Brewer II - 11/28/00 01:59:02
My Email:bjb729@yahoo.com

I just happened to stumble across your web site. I just talked to my parents (Billy and Susan Brewer). They were excited to learn that you live close by. They are in the process of moving into Dallas. I have been married now for almost a year (Dec. 18 . Missy has been married for almost four years (2 boys: 3 yrs. & 1 1/2 months). Stephanie is getting married in Feb. I am in the ministry of recreation (recreation assistant) at FBC in McKinney. Just thought I would drop ya'll a line. My dad's email address is bjbrewer1@aol.com. I know he would love to hear from you. Ya'll take care!! -- BJ II

Marlene Diamond - 11/12/00 16:30:44
My Email:madiamond@minn.net

What a beautiful web site you have. I really enjoyed visiting with you. If it's okay, I just may stop by again. Nice to meet you both.

Ceciland Ann Cave - 11/11/00 22:25:32
My Email:Cecilcave@yahoo.com

Enjoyed getting to know both of you (and all the additional info on your home page).

Roy & Carol Stokes - 11/10/00 11:27:18
My Email:rstokes@ev1.net

Leslie & Betty, We finally found your homepage. I have always been slow in discovering new things! Your homepage is amazing. I'm still learning how to get my e-mail. Thanks for allowing us to read the guest book. I learned more about people from Pecos through your w bsite than any other source. Thanks for the years of friendship. A once adopted son, Roy

Charles Bustion - 10/09/00 10:46:36
My Email:bustion@rollanet.org

Beautiful opening web page! Lots of information. You did a wonderful job!

Lawrence Wright - 10/06/00 15:40:08
My Email:w5ifj@juno.com

Great story and information ...from a fellow moderate deacon.

Lisa Elekana (Gray) - 10/04/00 06:13:52
My Email:elekana@rocketmail.com

Howdy! I just wanted to visit your site, Mary Martin told me about it. I will send an email to you next. :) Lisa

Patricia - 10/03/00 00:59:22

Hi Leslie and Betty. I am on my mother's new computer, showing her how to use it etc. I am using my aol account to show her about the internet. She will soon have her own email address and will send stuff to you. You can send stuff to her too after she ge s online. Her name is Pat Carter. She says Love in Him. See you later.

Mary Martin - 09/29/00 20:14:49
My Email:meamartin@satx.rr.com

I think your homepage is wonderful. Looks like you have spent a lot of time on it. Let us know the next time you are in San Antonio and maybe we can go out to eat together.

Les & Pat Light - 09/23/00 20:51:39
My Email:lel1991@earthlink.net

You have a very neat and interesting web site. Pat (Patricia) is class of '51 and I am from class of '48. Regards, Les

Les & Sasha Jones - 09/19/00 03:43:00
My URL:http://lesnsasha@yahoo.com
My Email:lesnsasha@yahoo.com

Loved your homepage!!!!!Beautiful organ music and lots of great history on the family. You have a lovely home and lots of great messages about GOD!!

harold elder - 09/17/00 20:35:25
My Email:pinkye@nwol.com

I enjoy the things you send me and it was good to see your picture and your beautiful home.

Jack Reynolds - 08/12/00 02:33:02
My Email:jreynolds@txhwy.com

I'm impressed with your web page! Great family history. Joshua was reading it and it was all news to him. Unfortunate result of living away from family all his life. Joshua and Mandy were both born in Odessa. Their Great Aunt Bettye would be pleased with hat!

Marilyn Green Ryburn - 07/31/00 02:09:19
My URL:http://www.concentric.net/~ryburn
My Email:ryburn@concentric.net

Hello Leslie! I'm a 1950 LRHS Grad and the other featured "excellent site" on Ray Hudson's website. Nice honor for the two of us! Your webpage REALLY IS EXCELLENT! I was especially interested in the link showing difference between Fundamentalist and M derate Baptists. That is the best description that I have ever read, and thanks for including it in your site. Your other links are great, and the layout and looks of your page is really well done. Another of our classmates, Richard Luster, is a Baptis preacher in Texas and I'm trying to figure out if he is a Fundamentalist or Moderate. I'm one of those complete outcasts - an Episcopalian! Sorry! But thanks again for your great site. Marilyn

Wheeler/Mary Wilson - 07/26/00 22:33:29

We enjoyed reading your page and will return to check out some of the items at a later date.

Ray Hudson - 07/26/00 20:16:48
My URL:http://netpluscom.com/~rhudson/index.htm
My Email:rhudson@netpluscom.com

Hi Leslie and Betty I think you have a great website, very newsy and know you are proud of all members of family, too. Betty's Mom had some excellent genes, too! Keep up the great work! Best always, Ray

Kim Grier - 07/03/00 05:46:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/griercountryhome
My Email:kgrier@netexas.net

I'm emailing you to let you know that I enjoyed my visit to your pages so much and was so glad to meet you. I recently lost my uncle who was a Southern Baptist preacher in Lafayette, Colorado. Meeting you was a breath of fresh air for me. You are welco e to visit me and my family anytime. Sincerely, Kim Grier

Lewis and Jo - 06/13/00 22:20:02
My Email:lewjolee@juno.com

We started to click on what an angel looks like, but wasn't sure what might come up, so we passed. We enjoyed looking at your home page. You did a good job. Take care.

Jerry Neilson - 05/25/00 21:22:50
My Email:jerneil@wayside.net

Hi...well I finally got online, so wanted to say "Hi" and let you know I have showed several friends your page...very amazing, and informative. I hope to get to all the links soon. Will be writing you guys to bring you up to date on my life. God bless !< r>
Michele - 04/09/00 22:40:01
My Email:michele@maxinter.net

My friend Jan (who I worked with in West Texas) forwarded an e-mail, "Asking and Getting", that she had received. On the bottom was a link to your geocities web page. I usually don't open unknown links, but I did this time. I enjoyed your bios and will check out some of the links you suggest. I would like to have your AOL IM name as I am on there too. I am sadly living in the suburbs of D.C. and trying to get relocated back to Texas. Keep me in your prayers for that ! Thanks- Michele

Johanna - 04/07/00 18:54:57
My Email:Johander@excite.com

Great bios! Isn't the web wonderful ... friends everywhere. My Dad Graduated from HSU in the 30's and Mom got her RN from "West Texas" now Hendricks in '35.

Amy M. Yates - 03/10/00 02:41:41
My Email:amyfyates@aol.com

I can't figure out who sent this to me but I sure do like it.

Allen Miller - 03/03/00 17:31:52
My Email:jamiller@ktc.com

Checked your page out upon recommendation of a former pastor and friend, Bob Schmeltekopf. What a refreshing and affirming christian witness! Thank you for your efforts in continuing to spread the good news. Allen Miller, Kerrville,Tx

Jerry Neilson - 02/10/00 03:22:44

Leslie & Betty...you may not remember me, but I was part of the Altheimer "flock" many years ago. Was at a friends & saw your page. Very nice and very helpful...hope to get my own computer soon, and when I do, I've save your eMail address...will be in contact. Good Job !

Jo & Mike ALLISON - 02/04/00 17:15:20
My Email:erastus@nwol.net

Friends, you have a beautiful page and we enjoy looking at it so much. You two have touched many lives in a positive way and knowing you have been an inspiration from the very first day we met. Keep up the good work and we know the Good Lord will continue to Bless Us in his Special Ways. Love ya, Mike & Jo

frank - 02/01/00 01:53:58
My Email:frank@brooksdata.net

I received several of your messages from Mike and Jo Allison of pecos texas. I have enjoyed every one. Please keep up the good work. Frank Yakubanski 416 E. June St. Alpine, Texas. As you guessed I am a novice at computing.

Joe Dacus - 01/31/00 16:50:45
My Email:dadcubed@msn.com

Love your wit and wisdom. Wish you the best at retirement, second time round.

Rex and Carita Black - 01/30/00 22:30:59
My Email:rcblack@dellnet.com

This is a lovely home page. You two are great - and we enjoy knowing you. We had a good visit with the Youngs - trying to encourage them to join the retired life ASAP.

Guy & Joan Bond - 01/28/00 03:02:10

Loved your web page. You both still look wonderful, but I bet you are still just as honery as ever. Ron Fowler Photography did our family picture Christmas of 97 at the home of Dallan Sanders in Portales. He did a great job. This is from daughters em il address which is chmian9@aol.com She can pass on messages to us. Love to see you. Joan

The Milams (Mike, Lorie, Scott, & Jason) - 01/25/00 02:54:11
My Email:MMilam0818@aol.com

Hi! Love the website. It is good to hear that you're doing well. In Christ, Mike, Lorie, Scott, & Jason Milam

The Milams (Mike, Lorie, Scott, & Jason) - 01/25/00 02:53:07
My Email:MMilam0818@aol.com


Ann Ridings - 01/24/00 14:57:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry
My Email:rridings@futura.net

Hi, I have read your page many times but just found out how to sign it.I enjoyed the article about the moderate Baptists very much---Ann

Jo & Mike ALLISON - 01/23/00 18:39:12

You two have a beautiful page and we always enjoy looking thru it. Besides ours, Les & Betty you are an inspiration to many, many good peoples lives. Thank you for putting on such a nice page. Yours in Christ, Jo & Mike ALLISON

Bill Simpson - 01/23/00 13:57:57
My Email:olspice@earthlink.net

Signing in again. Great Home Page! You guys have developed into real, authentic computer nerds, eh? Blessings! Bill

D.J. - 01/21/00 17:17:48
My Email:denneyj@hotmail.com

Hey, this is a great page...reflects a ton of hard work, but a blessing to all who read it. Thanks !

Ann Ridings - 09/25/99 01:18:11
My Email:aridings@juno.com

It's great. Laura is here helping me do this. I wish I could do it. Come see me and help me like you did Laura. See you on E-Mail since I don't have a microphone or web page.

J & J - 09/20/99 13:49:13
My Email:mlsrss@excelonline.com

Hey, we like your new dwelling! It is a pretty house and we know you are enjoying being close to your girls and grandchildren. It is hot & dry here in SA. Sure do need rain. Hope you have a good week. J & J

Jo & Mike ALLISON - 09/17/99 18:48:10
My Email:erastus@nwol.net

Les & Betty, you have a beautiful page. You two are indeed an inspiration to all who come in contact with you. You have made a positive impact on many lives. May the Good Lord give you both many more years on this planet. Love to you both, Jo & Mike Allison

Dr. Elvia Reynolds - 09/17/99 02:35:50
My Email:elrrey@pecos.net

Hello again; This is one of the best web pages I have been in. I have just printed it out with the intentions of taking it to Harold Elder. As you can tell, I did get into your guest book this time. See you,

J.J. Smith - 09/14/99 22:23:05
My Email:jjs5181@aol.com


Ron Ramsey - 08/27/99 02:07:00
My URL:http://http://www.ncia.net/commercial/r_ramsey/
My Email:r_ramsey@ncia.net

As I view your homepage I notice that you are one of us!! (a crazy ham) My call is:WB1GGQ from Berlin, NH 03570. During our ice storm of two years ago My 3 el 20m beam was destroyed as were 2 dipole antennas for 40/80m. Anyway I am also a Christian attending our local Baptist Church. Hope to 'hear' from you. God Bless--- Ron Ramey

Wayne and Arlene Carbaugh - 08/22/99 19:26:16
My Email:carbaugh@visuallink.com

You have a wonderful web page. We are Lutherans of the Christian Faith, Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church, Winchester, Virginia. Our niece, Mitzi, and her husband, Jimmy, live in Ablilene, Texas. We loved your music. Peace be with you.

Jim & Jeanine Ivy - 08/04/99 12:59:40
My Email:ivy@bitstreet.com

Hi Leslie & Betty We just found your website via Mike Allison. It looks great! Just thought you would like to know that you married us "real good" ...it's been nearly 30 years now. Jim is owner/manager of the Water Works and AA Chemical & Supply here in Pecos , and I am teaching Latin and Reading Improvement at PHS. Our daughter Kellye is married and made us grandparents in June (Joshua). Our son Matt just graduated from PHS in May and is about to go to Baylor later this month. We hear you are moving to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Connie is in Keller and Jim's brother Jack is in Flower Mound; he flies for Southwest Airlines. Good luck in your new home!

Taku Ashu - 07/29/99 17:12:54
My URL:http://jump.to/takuashu
My Email:tashu74@yahoo.com

Excellect webpage and very informative.You're an excellent source of information.Keep up the hard work.Taku Ashu

Biff Johnson - 07/29/99 14:59:29
My Email:bjohnson@excitemnent.org

Leslie, I saw your comments on Pecos Gab and it is fun to see what you are doing today. I am on staff at 2nd Baptist Houston as one of the associate pastors. Visit us at http://www.second.org. I still remember some of the lessons I learned from you and have used them in my ministry. Thanks, Biff

Oik - 07/20/99 06:51:47
My URL:/SoHo/Nook/5534
My Email:larrita@compuserve.com

Hey mister! You sound like a preacher or something. lol Sounds good, guys. Like the midi too. Rita:)

Mike "your grandson" Johnson - 07/19/99 03:14:45
My Email:

- Liked the web site I am setting one up right now, will give you the URL when I get it done. - LOVE YOU

Dean Johnson - 07/14/99 17:36:46
My URL:http://fbclubbock.org
My Email:dean@fbclubbock.org

Hello Leslie and Betty, It was great to see your website. I am the Director of Facilities @ FBC and was looking at Pecos Gab when I saw your note. The Lord has done some wonderful things in my life and a lot of that is thanks to you. You thought I wasn't listening. Sorry abo t all the grief I caused. I owe you one. Mom is still in Pecos as is Jeanine and Jimmy. Connie is in Keller (south of Flower Mound) and Biff is in Houston. I have a friend at Trinity...Howard (Buddy) Smith does what I do there. Please find him and say hello. We are members of the same association of guys who do what we do. Please visit our website at FBC. Hope all is well with you. God Bless You, Dean

Gene & Joe Ann Jackson - 07/13/99 19:27:25
My Email:Joe AnnJac@aol.com

I loved reading your article on the 2 phases of Baptists today. Glad to find your page and hear of the two of you. We live in San Angelo now.

Teri Beauchamp - 07/12/99 23:08:09
My Email:tinker@axs4u.net

Really enjoy your site, it is so unique, can tell ya'll have put a lot of time in on it. Will take the time to visit each site....

Jack Ferguson - 07/12/99 14:40:52
My Email:jfergus@web-access.net

I am REALLY impressed! Hope to see you at Paisano.

Peggy McCracken - 07/12/99 14:19:27
My URL:http://www.pecos.net/news
My Email:news@pecos.net

Thanks for making this accessible to me. It is a lovely site, and I see Betty's hand in its design. Are those recent photos of you? If so, you sure have aged well. Haven't followed the links yet, but will when I have more time. Peggy

Fran Meek - 05/20/99 02:49:59
My URL:http://www.valleymotorco.com
My Email:fmeek12@bitstreet.com

Dear Smiths, Hello ! Ben 3 and his wife survived the Murrah Bldg bombing and the latest tornado in OKC. He is on the staff of First Pres, Edmond, as bivocational worship leader........other vocation is law. Sally and Bob serving at Grace Pres. Corpus. New on field Like it so far. Anna goes into HS next year. Boys working/going to Del Mar College. Mary Ella & Tom still in Nashville ---active in their Pres. church. We don't know why they all turned Presbyterian. Must have been predestined. Nice web site. Our love to all. Fran

Eve Wilson Roberts - 05/17/99 00:39:50
My Email:jrandeve@wf.net

Sharon gave me your website to visit. You have done a great job. Was it hard to learn how to create one? Hope to see y'all again some day. IHS, Eve

Sharon & Bruce - 04/27/99 02:22:02
My Email:compsol@flash.net

Very Nice, Mom & Dad...proud of you !

"Lee Roy" - 01/31/99 05:09:29
My Email:lrcorbet@gisco.net

Ringo: Remember me from Cabinessence? You've done a great job with your page... excellent work.

Ron Fowler - 01/14/99 01:17:52
My URL:http://www.ronfowlerphotography.com
My Email:fowlerphoto@3lefties.com

Vuurrrry Nice. Like all the animations, but who is that nice looking couple? Think I could get some pointers from you these days. Love ya both. Ron

Mike & Jo ALLISON - 01/12/99 00:49:16
My Email:cea@ultravision.net

Looking at a very handsome couple! You have a great Home Page we enjoy it.

Lewis and Jo Lee - 01/10/99 03:35:30
My Email:lewjolee@juno.com

Enjoyed your Home Page. Looking Good! Thanks for your friendship!!

Cuzzin Rita :) - 01/07/99 21:47:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Nook/5534
My Email:Larrita@compuserve.com

Hey, I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE it! Looks super.

Cuzzin Rita :) - 01/06/99 05:40:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Nook/5534
My Email:Larrita@compuserve.com

VERY VERY NICE INDEED! Just look at those that handsome couple. I'm very proud of all the work you have done on your page and proud to have it linked to mine. :) Rita
Judy Good - 01/04/99 06:23:43
My Email:jgood@mmind.net

Great! Have to say this, your house looks very much like mine, only I don't have the walls in the front. Amazing, huh? Bet yours is cleaner.

Sharon James - 01/03/99 02:21:09
My Email:compsol@flash.net

Nice update -- great background and background music!
Lynn Snider - 12/30/98 06:08:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Plains/2343
My Email:agape@gower.net

Great Page! We love and appreciate you guys! Lynn

Nancy Russell - 12/30/98 01:56:43
My Email:nrussell@ultravision.net

Looking great! Keep it going.

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