Lauren, 1997
Kids, 1984
In the yard and in the show ring, special time with Dad
Lauren and Bry
Winter fun
Berkshire Hills, home away from home
Annual Labor Day at Cedar Point, 1989
Annual Cedar Point,1988
Boompa and kids,Cedar Point
Pam and Neal,1988
Kdg. 1990, Second Grade Valentines Day Party
Elana, Josh, Nicole, Lauren, Poppa, and Bry at Great Grandma's
Cleveland Botanical Garden,1992
The Family, 1993
Lauren and her Bunny,4H Best of Show 1996
Kim and John's wedding, 1996
Lauren, Bryan, and Nicole, August, 1997
Florida with Logan, Spring/98
Cousins at Grandma's, Fall/1998
By the pond