Thursday-April 20th, 2000
Today there was a bomb threat at the high school that I work at, and my youngest daughter attends. Before 7:45 AM we were instructed to evacuate the building and relocate to another campus. Upon completion of a "sweep" by the police and a bomb squad, no evidence of a bomb was found. As many of you know, today is the anniversary of the Columbine incident. What happened at our school today was someone's sick idea of recreating the Columbine tragedy.
My heart immediately told me this was a hoax-and I believe everyone was 99% sure there was no bomb-but who could ignore that 1% chance that there may indeed be a bomb? Who could ignore this threat and put over 700 lives in jeopardy? No one could. I feel a correct immediate response was initiated and acted upon.
So what do I feel now? I feel anger. Anger to a sick individual who could do this to our students and staff. Anger to the ignorance of parents so quick to blame an individual 'rumored' to be the guilty one. Anger towards that same parent who admits his kids heard rumors about a 'football player too good a player to kick out of school' and how could I have not heard this rumor. Anger still at this individual who told me his kids refuse to go to administration with what they have heard. Anger that on a day that the secretery who received this call and I had a personal event to celebrate and it was marred by this incident. Anger at some staff members who cared less about pitching in and doing what was necessary. Anger at a handfull of students too 'cool' to be patient along with the rest of us and had to use their too cool language to get their useless point across. And anger towards those who felt we did not handle this crisis situation properly.
Was I ever scared? NO… I was not…my initial thought was…Jenni is watching out for Kaneland…she will not let this happen…she will protect us. As I left my office to evacuate, I looked at Jenni's picture behind my desk, it was like our eyes met each other, and I felt completely calm and in control. I had the most peaceful feeling within me. You may call that ignorance…I call it my guardian angel.
Let us remember the families and loved ones of those lost in Littleton.
Cassie Bernall
Corey DePooter
Daniel Mauser
Isaiah Shoels
Lauren Townsend
Matthew Kechter
Rachel Scott
Steven Curnow
John Tomlin
Kyle Velasquez
Daniel Robrbough
Kelly Fleming
William "Dave" Sanders
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