Okay, I will show you what I look
like! There are very few pictures of me in existence because I am the one
that is usually behind the camera. Oh each Christmas my husband manages
to take a photo or two of me but I am always dressed in my flannelette
nightie and I always have bed hair. A good friend of mine is a photographer,
Kris Kann, and he offered to take my picture in exchange for a reading
so, lucky you.
I was born, April 7th, 1953, in New Westminister, British Columbia. I grew up in a town named Port Coquitlam. From a very young age, as far back as I can remember, I saw and heard spirit. My mother worked at a mental institute known then as Essondale (now known as Riverview) therefore I was not encouraged in any way to communicate with these beautiful, sweet souls that I could see. I was told to stop it immediately or I would find myself institutionalized! I therefore kept it to myself.
My abilities faded over the years, I can recall being about 10 years old and still seeing the auras or lighted colors of the wonderful comforting folks that drew near to me, but I no longer heard them other than occasionally when could hear music. I did however seem to know things about people or that would occur, that many found somewhat entertaining.
In school I was fascinated with science, with energies and I asked a teacher in grade two, what the energy was that surrounded her. She looked at me blankly and I explained that everything had energy around it, that I could see it plain as day. It wasn't only people that had this energy/aura about them, everything I looked at had it, the chair, the trees, the water...... everything. My parents were called and I was shipped off to the eye doctor and wore glasses from that time on. My curiosity also got me seated at the very front of the class. My abilities didn't seem to be serving well and so I became interested in sports and pretty much forgot about the spirit realms, auras and everything else. I still knew deep in my heart that there was life out there in this universe and I thought for a time that perhaps these wondrous visitors of mine were from Mars or Venus. They were so perfect, so loving, that I often prayed to God, just to tell him that I belonged with these nice people and that maybe He had made a mistake sending me to earth. I very much wanted to be with these spirits.
My transportation to a far and distant planet never materialized, so I focussed on baseball, track and field and boys instead. I did well in school but I found it quite boring and looking back I must admit I learned a great deal of rubbish. However the gift was that I was able to learn, able to question and able to reason things out for myself. Between the ages of 8 and 12, I attended every church in town. I refused to sit downstairs with the other children and color pictures of Jesus. I sat upstairs with the adults, cause I had questions that needed to be answered. And who better to ask than a minister, priest or pastor? Those poor fellows.... I am sure they were delighted to see the last of me. I mentioned to a couple of them that I saw heavenly people.... that went over real well! They thought I was possessed! I asked simpler question next, like "If there is a God, how come so many people are suffering and hungry in this world?" Seems like a pretty simple question, right? Well I never got an answer to it. I simply was told to read the bible. So my young mind decided that there was no God and that the churches only wanted my money. I never darkened the door of a church again until I was 37 years old.
What happened in those missing years? Well I got married at age 16! Had a son at age 18, got divorced at age 20. Remarried at age 25, got divorced again at age 35! These were troubled times in my life. There was domestic violence that left me with a broken back, there was a lot of alcohol consumed.... the only light in my life was my son. I still knew things.... psychic things. I started seeing folks that had recently passed away. I really freaked out a lot of my friends and family!
Then one day a stranger gave me ticket to go and see a psychic. She gave it to me for free! So how could I refuse? A lovely lady named Phyllis Tantrum, from New Zealand, introduced herself as a medium. I had never heard of a medium before but I was drawn to this woman from the moment I laid eyes on her. She came to me several times through out the demonstration, saying things like "You do can so this, you have seen this." I was amazed! Phyllis asked me to stay behind and offered to see me in private. I said "yes."
Dear Phyllis changed my life....... she asked me attend a Spiritualist Church in return for the reading she gave me. I told her I didn't do churches and I didn't believe in God. She said "Just go to one service, they don't ride around on brooms or string garlic around their necks." She said " I am a Spiritualist minister and you seem to think me, quite normal?"
I agreed, when to the church and loved it! There was no bible thumping, no hell and damned nation. There was coffee and cookies afterwards and I had never met so many nice people in any one place. One of first things said at that service was that no one should believe anything, that doesn't feel true in their own hearts, that we should question and research, read and discover our own truths.... well I figured I could do that!
I left that little rented hall a happier soul, I was content somehow, in a way I had never been. The medium had given me a message from spirit, and it was right on the money. They called this proof of survival after death. Well I knew that was true because I had experienced it myself. I began attending regularly, went to Healing Circles and eventually was asked to sit in a Development Circle.
I have been in that development circle now for 10 years, all my questions have been answered and I now know that there is something much bigger, something of much more intelligence out there. There is a supreme being!
I have read hundreds of books, book on development, books on other religions, self improvement books and books written by spirit through mediums. I accept what feels true to me and discard the rest. I do not think that all the answers are in any one book. I know that all the answers will not be discovered by me during this lifetime.
I have come to know my spirit guides and workers and I have learned patience and compassion, both for myself and others. That uneasy sensation that lived in my heart for many years is gone. It is as if I had been searching for decades to find the missing piece of the puzzle and I have at last found it. I get great satisfaction in my work now. It is a wonderful feeling bringing loved ones through for others and it greatly decreases the fear of death.
I urge you to find your answers, to find the missing piece to your life's puzzle. The truth is out there.... it lies were all the religions cross over each other. It lies in science, it is the common truth, the common thread that weaves it's way through all the teachings.
I thank you for taking the time
to read this. I hope you found some inspiration or truth here. I hope that
what I have said, leaves you knowing that I am just an average person,
no angel but someone who has found happiness and purpose in this life and
I wish the same for you. God Bless YOU!
Sadie and WillyDaughter
and Father
Angels Among Us