Love Lyric author unknown
No candy filled hearts
Of cupid with darts
I'm past all of that
I've whethered the quake
I'll settle my love
For a porterhouse steak.
Here's to the Spirit, that flickers within
Eager to grow, yet stifled by sin
Often ignored, by a stubborn mind
Seeing all things yet is treated as blind
Longing for decades to soar with the words
That are heard from Great Spirits, soaring like birds
Loving the simpliest pleasures on earth
Like a dew drop on green grass as it trickles to earth
Knowing that one day this spirit will soar
When Great Eagle meets me... I'll want never more. CW
Mr. and Mrs. Over The Hill
Pick me a flower, when I've worked hard all day
When I've scrubbed out the bathroom and baked for no pay
A note on scrap paper, that says "I Love You"
Means a lot more to me than a card sent on que
"A Thanks" for a meal, I've created from scraps
Means you admire my efforts, through financial traps
You say I'm the most beautiful lady you know
In spite of the grey hairs and wrinkles that show
You are more than a husband and my heart I extend
Cause I've got myself one hell of a friend
You talk to me, comfort me... when I feel all alone
I'm ever so glad that you made me your own
So when Birthdays and Valentines days do arrive
Let's get all dressed up and go for a drive
I don't need a card of cupid and dart
I sure don't need candy of chocolate and hearts
I'm long past the commercialized "LOVE, LUST and TEARS"
Let's laugh and eat hearty and enjoy our last years. CW
Dial A Child author unknown
The line was busy 20 years
Always attached to children's ears
But now the kids are on their own
And I, at last can use the phone
I'm often surprised to find, I've dialed
The number of an absent child.
A Caycuse Winter Lament
"Twas the night before Christmas, when the Brass, all escaped
In hopes that the sun, would come melt their mistakes
The chains were all hung, by the graders with care
In hopes they'd sit idle...'till at least next year
The bosses were nestled, all snug in their beds
While visions of RESTRAINTS danced in their heads
And Ma, in her gumboots and I quite assured
We headed to Cowichan, to pick out our bird
When half way us Grosslegs, there arose such a clatter
The wife started screaming and yelled "What's the matter"
..... Away we went back, to go 'round the lake
The car sure is shaking, I hope it don't break
With snow quickly turning, to icy big ruts
To make it to Caycuse, you had to have guts
An old-timer stated "This just isn't right!"
"The road's always been graded for us New Year's night
Well... the year is behind us and we STILL can not drive
We here in Caycuse, wish the company a Happy 85! CW
I'm A Parent
If I could live my life again
Though all the heartaches, all the pain
The one thing that was always right
Was my son, for whom I'd fight
And how I wish and how I worry
That he'll be fine, when I am buried
I wish that he could see through me
What booze and drugs can do, you see
You start to drink and tag along
Yet all the time you know its wrong
People that you love so much
They lose their minds, are out of touch
And with your broken heart, you leave
Your babe in arms, your tears on sleeve
You hope that life will treat you right
You cry and cry..... can't sleep at night
And then one day, you turn to see
Your baby, is a man to be
And everything you love and cherish
Could leave one night, get drunk and perish
What then, would become of me?
I could not feel, I'd cease to be. CW
Ode to my 1964 Impala was a beauty!
I went cruising down the straight stretch, past the wildflower reserve
When sharp boulders on the Caycuse road, I suddenly observed
I hit the binders quickly and put her down in low
And thought aloud "The company is putting on a show!"
Was it Lawson, was it Parlee, that did this dreadful deed?
I wish I had a company truck, so I could make some speed
The crumbies and the company trucks, with peddles to the floor
Sped out... with rocks a flying and then my tire tore!
Well' I cursed half way down Grosslegs, then a pick-up truck appeared
The piercing gaze of Coterill... as the driver sat and sneared
Well, I swore for 15 minutes, while, my tire Jack did change
Then the driver said "I'm Al Schultz, I'm in charge of this here range
"Well" I said "you must be very proud of your graders on this day!"
Jack... just grinned and snickered as I finished up my say
Schultz, would not admit it, as to who made this awful mess
But those of us in private cars, could very easily guess
I know it wasn't Sirup or Zboyovsky, that's for sure!
Which can only leave me wondering, Who spread all this MANURE? CW
My Son...many have been written in his honor!
Here I sit all broken hearted, my girl and I forever parted
Paid my money...bought my booze, but I got sick and had to snooze
My girl got mad.... she hit the roof. She took off with some big, dumb goof
I've missed the dance... I've lost my girl, and now I'm with my buddy KURL
He takes me home and lets me know, that off to court.. I'll have to go
My mum's in tears... about to crack. I wish I had my ten bucks back. CW
A Friend
A friend is a person you trust and admire
He tells you his feelings, he's never a liar
Sarcastic perhaps, but it's all for a laugh
Cause you sense that this person, won't give you the shaft
The eyes of a buddy, can tell you a lot
Of the good times and bad and the batlles he's fought
And just being in the presence of someone who cares
Comes the feeling of knowing your life has been shared
And though, I've known loves, that have long slipped away
They haven't been friends and I'd just like to say
That you I admire, I love and adore
And I want you to feel free, to knock on my door. C.W. for RALPH
The Caycuse Road (boy I don't miss that road)
Anyone who has diarrhea, should avoid the Caycuse road
For at 15 miles per hour, you are sure to loose your load
Now if, you are constipated and suffer that abuse
Just take a drive to Caycuse and the road will shake it loose
Now friends don't come too often, to visit my abode
It simply isn't worth it, to drive that shitty road. Bill Gilgan my Dad
School Dance grade 11
He left home all dressed to kill
And in his pocket a twenty bill
He got just what he bargained for
Silent Sam... and so much more
Got his booze and hid it well
But who ever stole it... will not tell
Searched the forest with his buds
The vodka's gone and no more suds
Revenge is in his heart tonight
But if he had found it.."bloody rights!"
For it is not for me to say
He wasted time and hard earned pay
But I do think, if he had found
Somebody's bottle in the ground
He would have said, My "LUCKY "day!
And would he admit it? Who can say. C.W.
A Mother's Lament
The baby fussed most of the night, it's teething time again
Your son woke up at 5 A.M., so I got up and then
I staggered to the bathroom dear and what I saw was grim
He showed me what he'd drawn for you, so proud you'll be of him!
He'd crayoned just as carefully as a 4 year old can do
All over MY NEW WALLPAPER!... a logging truck for you!
"That's Daddy driving that big truck! MOM? Do you think it's nice?"
"Oh son!" said I "Your daddy's gonna think it's paradise!"
Well DEAR, you've had your breakfast, your lunch is made and packed
It's 6:30 in the morning and the crummy just honked out back
I know the diaper pail, does stink, but today the sun will shine
So I'll fill up the ringer washer and hang diapers on the line
Give me a kiss and be careful, while your at work today
Just what we'll have for supper dear, I'm too pooped to really say
We're almost out of groceries, so I'll have to make some bread
I hope you get a deer soon... and fill it full of lead
This summer you'll be out on strike and that I really dread
Oh! The doctor calls today, you know? The rabbit's probably dead!
Don't stick out that chest and smile, you proud son of a gun
I'll tell you a thing or two... next time you want some fun. C.W .
A Father's Lament
I heard the baby in the night, so I fed and changed her then
I staggered back to bed and saw, you're looking pale again
The extra weight that you've put on doesn't bother me that much
As the way you drag around this house and growl each time we touch
You say you're tired all the time, you're worked right off your feet
You're not the girl I married and... we rarely ever speak
If I didn't have to go to work to keep this family fed
I'd dress you in the finest clothes and give you roses red
But, every second year it seems we always are on strike
So we can't afford the dishwasher or the carpeting you'd like
Our lives are not the bowl of cherries, we both thoguht that it would be
But our kids are sure the greatest gift, you've ever given me
My life when I was single was a lonely boring grind
And now I'm so darned busy, but I really do not mind
You can make a dinner out of leftovers that taste, fantastic dear
You let me watch my hockey, and you bring me a cold beer
You're keeping this household together and it surely ain't no breeze
And believe me, I do appreciate you! Although sometimes I tease
Saturday, I'll mow the lawn and pick up doggie dung
Sunday if the sun shines, we'll go out and have some fun
You can pack the picnic basket and we'll load the kids up too
And drop them at your mother's place! Yeah! That is what we'll do!
We'll spread out our special blanket, though it may be worn and torn
And we'll hold hands and think of times... before the kids were born.
Geremy's 20th Birthday
I've missed your dirty underwear
Ever since you moved away.
So I threw some on the bedroom floor
But it wasn't quite the same
Happy Birthday Geremy and many more to come
From the one who loves you most of all
Your one and only MUM C.W.
Spirits Dance
It rises every morn at dawn and is never twice the same
The colored lights of sunrise are an artist's claim to fame
But mix and match all colours and spread with seasoned care
Then step back and see the beauty.WAIT! I think there's something there!
With every breath, with every blink the colours change their hues
Could it be Spirits dancing on the early morning dew?
Soaring, spinning, twirling into the light of day
Here to keep us company until they make their way
Standing here about us to see the days work through
Seeing us safely homeward and then exiting on cue
Happy that their days work, is successful and complete
Do they leap upon a sunset and rest their weiry feet?
Surrounding themselves in shades of pink, from pale to deep dark rose
Do they laugh and joke about our day as they rest their little toes? C.W.
Christmas Birthday Wishes
I came here seeking knowledge for an emptiness within
To understand the things I "SAW" and not to worship HIM
For I believed in no one, except perhaps myself
But quickly met a couple who would offer me great wealth
No bible thumping sermons about fire, hell and doom
I knew in just a moment, these folks sang a different tune
No fancy stained glass windows, no robes or vestments worn
Just simple honest spirit truths, of why we all are born
Jesus came to tell us of the visions he had seen
He healed the sick and lived a life of non materialistic means
We're told he was a child of God, who stood in heaven's light
We're told we too are from this source and shine ever so bright
A power higher, stronger... has sent us with HIS love
And provided us an Angel, for when we need a shove
And so today, I thank-you, for sharing all you knew
For it has been two thousand years since rumors of you flew
Since you Jesus, walked the earth plane on your humble chosen paths
Since you continued onward, after suffering others raths
So I would like to thank-you, for all that you have done
And for all you still are doing, "Happy Birthday to God's son!" C.W.
Jesus Ahatonia (Jesus Is Born)
Canada’s first Christmas carol, written by Father Jean de Brebeuf in the Huron language
‘Twas in the moon of winter-time. When all the birds had fled,
That Mighty Gitchi Manitou Sent angel-choirs instead.
Before their light the stars grew dim, And wand’ring hunters heard the hymn:
Jesus, your King is born;
Jesus is born.
In excelsis gloria.
Within a lodge of broken bark The tender Babe was found,
A ragged robe of rabbit skin Enwrapped His beauty round;
But as the hunter braves drew nigh, The angels-song rang loud and high,
Jesus, your King is born;
Jesus is born.
In excelsis gloria.
The earliest moon of winter-time Is not so round and fair.
As was the ring of glory on The helpless Infant there.
And chiefs from far before Him knelt. With gifts of fox and beaver pelt.
Jesus, your King is born;
Jesus is born.
In excelsis gloria.
O children of the forest free, O sons of Manitou,
The Holy Child of earth and heav’n Is born to-day for you.
Come kneel before the radiant Boy, Who brings you beauty, peace and joy.
Jesus, your King is born;
Jesus is born.
In excelsis gloria.
Rememberance Day Service
(Some of my poems come to me through automatic writing. I can not take credit for them, I only write what is given to me from my spirit friends. The following poem was given to me by a Canadian soldier in his early 20's, on Rememberance Day 1994)
I marched, with head held proudly, my chest was filled with pride
So many were, so proud of me, yet, my wife and mother cried
We set sail in ships and aircraft, guns and ammo at our sides
Yet deep within our beings, pounded hearts with fear inside
I am one, of many million, who fought bravely during war
I saw many fall in combat as the shells their bodies tore
I looked sadly upon Dunkirk and the bodies on the shore
The sight was dark, with fear and hate, it chilled me to the core
For I had fought for love of country and with pride my rifle aimed
In a war to end all others, so they thought and so they named
But know this, that in these heavenly ranks, no bullets bear our names
We march now filled with love and light, so no others die in vain
For it is not, the Master's plan, that countries should dispute
It is against GOD'S LAWS, against his LOVE, to kill and hurt
I would ask not to be remembered for how bravely I did fight
I would ask you all to realize; the fighting was not right!
Uplift the weak and heal your sick, give comfort to those who mourn
Give shelter to your homeless and let peace on earth be born. C.W.
My Easter Wish (Automatic Writing)
I wonder what you would do, if upon your lawn of green
Lay a ragged dirty stranger, the likes you've never seen
Would you welcome him and feed him well or be horrified instead
(What ever would the neighbours think) is going through you head
Would you view the muck and mire that is caked upon his feet
Ask him please to shower, before he takes a seat
Would you slip him twenty dollars and say "Please, please, go away!"
"The neighbours wouldn't understand if I asked you to stay"
Would you say "Come in and welcome to this our home and please
Sit down and rest your weary feet, while I put on some tea"
If Jesus came to your house, I wonder what you'd do
Do you think you'd recognize Him? I sure wonder what I'd do!
He's my brother, He's my mentor but I've been programmed in my head
To avoid all strange and dirty folks, lest I should end up dead
It's fear I think, installed from birth that has tightened up my heart
And I beg you God to help me now, so that I can do my part
For in each and every being, lives a part of Jesus too
And I want to recognize this, in all people just like you
If Jesus comes to my house, let me please welcome HIM and be
Nitinaht Wind
A still crisp morning snow and a lake of mirrored glass
A snowflake tumbles freely and it makes a little splash
The cold and misty morning haze is lifting at the Gap
As I yawn and start the morning and the waves begin to slap
Jagged, black and slimy rocks protrude and tales they preach
Of fishermen and sailors who have died, within their reach
The tidal shores of Nitinaht are a world that few have seen
And those who live to tell my tales, respect its bitter scene
I've seen the young and old alike in ships of finest craft
Be ripped apart and hammered hard against this morbid mass
I've tried my best to save, the many souls that lie below
I get behind a little wave and start to blowin' slow
I pick that wave up in the air, it must be fifty feet
And hurl it up at jagged rocks, 'till foam begins to leap
With giant logs and rocks and wrecks, I beat the shores ahead
But they break away so slowly and soon man will come I dread
The tidal shores of Nitinaht are a world that few men know
And I just want to tell you... don't come see me when I blow. C.W.
Christmas, it's the time of year
To open our hearts and spread good cheer
To share our love with those we love
To be thankful and loving to the powers above
Spreading peace and goodwill to all mankind
The poor, the downtrodden, the child that is blind
And won't the earth be, a much nicer place
When all of God's children, wear a smile on their face
When we all have the spirit of Christmas all year
And no where on earth, lives a heart filled with fear
This season of giving, with holly berries red
Should be practiced all year and all mouths should be fed
No tears from the children, all hunger pains gone
No fighting, no wars... these just memories, long gone
We came here to make a change on this earth
Let's do all we can to see heaven's rebirth. C.W.
1996 I caught that pneumonia that was from deer mice and nearly died.
Ode To Nurses Judy and Caroline
It's been Oh! So! Very interesting here at C.D.H.
Recovering from pneumonia is a very simple fate
The hospital's overcrowed and each night in droves they come
Some O.D., some just pee, while others hold their bums
I thought myself unlucky as a patient in this place
My roommate is a little off and pees most any place
But fortunately for her this eve, she slept so very sound
For what met my nose and eyes tonight was a putrid rotten mound
The fellow just across the hall's been full of poop for days
But a little drink of castor oil and to my room he grazed
His trousers down around his feet and poop ran from both nuts
To run the gammut past this smell, I tell you took some guts
The nurses came a running... and braked at the great smell
The cleaned and scraped the shitty man and sent him to his cell
They wiped up all the smoldering crap as if it was the norm
The aroma hung in 209, 'till well into mid morn
And how old Mrs. S... , slept through it. I shall never know
That old fellow sat just inches from her head when he let go
I always thought of nurses as earth's angels dressed in white
Who walked the halls in sensible shoes all hours of the night
I had put them on a pedestal above waitresses and maids
Who compationately came running each time a patient bades
But after 4 long week in this place, I'd say they work in hell
The way the patients bitch about food and hang upon their bells
With puke and constipation... pee and crap on every ward
It's a miracle some patients are not strangled with their cord
There must surely be a special place within God's Master Plan
For nurses in the afterlife... a place with no bed pans
Perhaps they're given wings of gold with sparkling colours bright
And put their feet up on a sunset, until dawns early light
There must surely be a grand reward for all the love they show
It's a thankless job most often and there's not a lot of dough
I have been in Victoria General and the old Jubilee hospital too
But the nurses here in Duncan, are the best and I thank YOU! C.W.
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