this is a XXXXXXXXXXXrated page. Not really, he he he (by micke)
I have a friend that is helping me learn this webpage stuff. As you have probably figured out I am not to good at this stuff. My friend has nerves of steel, at least I think she must have to put up with me. She has spent many hours on here helping me do this right and when I can't get it, she does it for me. Never yells, at least I can't hear her if she does. Every one needs a friend like Micke. by Dorry
Well my friend, your fingernails may look bad, but you are the best as I can tell. Thanks so much for all your help and praise. Without you this page would never have been.
Having a friend that is willing to help any time you need it is the best friend. Some day I would love to meet Micke in person. I am sure she has a special glow about her that only some one of her talent can hold. Thanks Micke, you are the best. by Dorry
Micke, you are forever my friend. I do hope some day to meet you in person so I can tell you just how much you mean to me. You are the one with the talent and the imagination. I could have never have did these pages without you. Thank you dear friend.
Micke can find things on the net I never even thought about. I have never seen so much beauty in my life as I see before me when Micke has been in here playing my Fairy God Mother. She just moves her wand and magic appears. I love the backgrounds and all the lovely pictures. She even takes pictures I send to her and works them into a page.
I am learning, but it is a slow process on my part. But I have found that you can teach an old dog new tricks if you stay at it long enough. For I am an old dog learing the new tricks. Thank Micke!!!!!!
Thank You Micke for the new music and all the extra work you did here. You are a true blue Odie in my book. No, I didn't say oldie, I said Odie. It is a good guy, oops, gal. One of my new phases I am going through. Goes along with my new word, shitsski..............!!!!!!
It has been a while since I was here to write about my friend. I have been busy this summer and so has she. Now that the weather is starting to turn and the days are getting shorter I find I have a few extra minutes to spend on here. Really I should be cleaning or baking or something special for my hubby, but you only live once. So, have fun and enjoy while you can.
What I really came in here to say is that I miss my friends Micke & Kathy. I am used to talking to them every day. Now both are on vacation and I have no one to bother.
The dog is busy barking at the neighbors and everyone walking down the street trying to find someone to play with. The cat is busy with her little purple catnip mouse. Neither wants to be my friend right now. My hubby is tucked in bed watching 60 minutes. So, here I sit all alone, with either the internet and my friends or playing Free Cell. My friend Kathy got me playing that.
Gosh, I never told you about my friend Kathy. She is great. Lee and I went up north to meet her. We drove 4 hours to spend a couple days with her over the fourth of July. We got along super. I am so happy we met. We enjoyed ourselves so much with Kathy, that we took another short vacation to go up and visit with her again.
I am hoping someday I get to meet Micke face to face. I feel like both of these lady's are a part of me. We are so much alike.
I like Pepsi, Micke likes coke, and Kathy, bless her heart buys Pepsi when we go up to visit. Maybe in a past life, if such a thing is possible, we were sisters. Never can tell. Stranger things have happened............. by Dorry
Yes my dear friend, We are going to meet. It is now 8 days away. The count down is on. I am going to write in chalk on the highway that I am waiting for you.. hehehe by Dorry 8/28/00
How wonderful it was to finaly meet. We have talked on the net for three years and felt like sisters. Once I met her I now know for sure we were close at one time in our lives, past that is if there is such a thing.
I never had a sister, so I really have no idea what it is like to have one. But I did have three brothers and I can only imagine that a sister would have been a great thing. Some one to share your hopes and fears with. Some one to tell all your secerts too. Some one you can go to when you can't go to any one else. I would imagine that a sister would be the ultimate best friend that would be there for everything, good - bad - happy - sad.
Marv and his wife Carol are great people. What a grand brother he is. I don't know many siblings that actually hug each other when they say goodnight. But these two people are super people.
They make a stranger feel like family. Carol is the best cook.......I think I gained weight on vacation.
Carol and Marv have a really nice place up there in Gordon, Wisconsin. They have six cabins, each with two or three bedrooms. Three of them are ready for winter. They all have full kitchens and showers. Just like home, almost......
The cabin we stayed in has a front porch that looks out over Cranberry Lake. The sun comes up from across the lake and shines
right in the living room. The Kingfisher sits on the back of a chair on the dock and zooms in and gets his or her fish. Really a neat site to see.
Marv also has sites for Motor Homes and tents. It is very quiet and peacful. He has the tavern and the best friends you could ask for. What I mean by that is......Lucky and Goldie. These are the coolest dogs you ever want to meet. Drink up your pop and put the can on the floor, one of the dogs will come get it and put it away. Give them a dollar and they will get a snak and bring it back to you. I wish my kids minded so well.
I am so glad that I can call Micke, Frank, Marv, and Carol my special friends.....they are more like the family I never had and wish everyone could have.
THANK YOU MAVR AND CAROL for your hospitality and friendship.
Thank you for making us feel like we belong. You are both wonderful friends as well as hosts. Carol you are the best cook. Lee still wants me to learn to cook from you. heheheh What a vacation that would be for me to spend time there....learning from you. I think after I came home he would have to pay me to cook, because I sure wouldn't want to spoil him for FREE.
Micke, when you get home in the next week or two I will be a happy little chatter bug. I miss you when you are not on here but I can handle it this year because I met you in person. You are everything I expected and more. You are my mentor, my friend, my teacher, my internet hero, as you show me and help me and listen to me cry. You put up with my stupidness and still you are there trudging on pushing and prodding and making me learn. I only hope that the next time we meet I can show you something you don't already know.
I may confuse some of you folks when you read on from here, but I will try and make this easy for you to follow. Micke is Patty, and Micke is Patty's little dog......She has two of them the other is Jordie. The spelling might be wrong as she isn't home to correct my mess ups. They are Shizt's, see the spelling is bad. Anyway, Micke and Jordie are really cute. Micke likes baths and Jordie doesn't. Jordie runs to his daddy for safety. These two critters are sooo cute. I think Micke likes me better than Jordie does because Micke likes to snuggle close to me. Jordie on the other hand didn't want much to do with me.
As of September 5, 2000............I met Micke and her hubby in Wisconsin at her brother Marv's "Up North Resort" in the upper North West corner of the state. She beat me there by a day and a bit, but that was OK. As we pulled up in front of Marv's tavern, at the resort, three people came out the door. I knew in a second that it was Mickey, Frank (Mickey's hubby) and Marv (her brother). I would have known her anywhere. It is so good to meet and really get to touch fingers to see if she was real or just a figment of my imagination