Body Language
Shaking Hands
- If the hand is limp, the person may be ill at ease or doesn't like to be touched.
- A firm handshake indicates confidence.
- Arms crossed on chest; can also be a sign of disagreement
- Closed fists; can also be a sign of nervousness
- Sitting with a leg over the arm of a chair; can also be a sign of indifference
- Crossed legs; moving of the crossed leg in a slight kicking motion indicates boredom or impatience
- Open hands with palms upward
- Open men that feel agreement is near will remove their coat
- Arms and legs NOT crossed
- Hand-to-cheek gestures; an interested person's body leans forward with a slightly tilted head, which is supported by one hand
- A critical evaluation is given with the hand brought to the face, chin in the palm, and the index finger extended across the face with the remaining fingers below the mouth
- A tilted head is a definite sign of interest
- Stroking of the chin indicates a thinking or evaluation process
- A body that is tilted forward also indicates interest
- Left-handed gestures
- Not looking at someone usually indicates that something is being concealed
- Touching or rubbing the nose, usually with the index finger, indicates doubt or untruthfulness by the speaker
- Rubbing behind the ear with the index finger while weighing an answer indicates doubt
- Touching gestures or those done with the right hand
- Palms uplifted
- Eye contact
- Short breaths
- Tsk, sign of disgust
- Tightly clenched hands
- Wringing wrists
- Kicking the ground or an imaginary object
- Bringing hands together like a church steeple
- Hands joined together behind the body
- Feet up on desk or table
- Elevating oneself
- Drumming on table
- Tapping with feet
- Head in hand
- Doodling
- Swinging of crossed feet
- Clearing throat
- "Whew" sound
- Whistling
- Smoking cigarettes
- Fidgeting in a chair
- Tugging at pants while sitting
- Jingling money in pockets
- Tugging at ear
- Clenched fists
- Wringing of the hands
- Playing with pencils or notebooks or eyeglasses in mouth
- Touching self while speaking to others
- Swinging of crossed feet
- Pulling up socks
- Holding eyes longer than necessary
- Accidental touch of girl by man
- Arranging tie or shirt sleeves
- Hands in front of pants with thumbs locked inside belt
- Unbuttoning or removal of coat
- Fondling something
- Glancing at a girl's body and letting her see it
- Moving in closer to the person
- Dangling her shoe at the tip of her foot
- Holding part of her body in the presence of a man
- Pushing hair back behind ear
- Licking lips
- Slowly crossing and uncrossing legs
- Use of perfume
- Sitting on one leg
- Tense and erect muscles
- Smoothing of dress
- Not presented in chronological order
- Answer given without hesitation
- Hesitation
- too much explanation
- rephrases questions
- unnecessary yawning
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