Suicide is a delicate issue for many people to deal with. Therefore, if such a situation shall arise involving the death of someone by suicide, a lot of us are grossly unprepared for the roller coaster of emotions that follow a tragic death. For many of us, grieving may take weeks or even months. Also unfortunate is that a lot of people are not aware of the warning signs or do not know what to do in order to help. Suicide is most common among the elderly and teenagers and often results from untreated depression.
MYTH: Discussing suicidal thoughts with someone will result in a person's suicide.
FACT: After suicidal feelings are recognized, a person will feel relief towards the situation and more secure about showing emotional pain.
MYTH: Suicidal people are set on ending their lives.
FACT: Often times, a person who is suicidal wants to commit suicide, but then again, does not want to commit suicide.
MYTH: A person who discusses suicide never actually does it.
FACT: When a person talks about suicide, the person could be hinting something, and therefore, should NOT be ignored.
MYTH: Only certain "types" of people commit suicide.
FACT: There is always a kind of suicidal potential in all of us, so not just one "type" of person will commit suicide.
MYTH: Suicide occus without warning,
FACT: Most of the time someone will hint suicidal intent either directly or indirectly.
MYTH: Somone who attempts suicide is mentally ill.
FACT: Less than five percent of teenagers who commit suicide are mentally ill.
The Sad Facts
The Warning Signs:
What to Do to Help:
What NOT to Do
Links to other sites on the Web
Please Read
Light for Life: Help Prevent Teen Suicide
Information on Bipolar Disorder
Information on Mental Illnesses
A Place to Turn for Advice
Suicide/Bipolar Disorder Info
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Tuck Your Shirt In!
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