Pat's Family Photo Album
some old photo albums which
had belonged to his father.
Some of the photos in these albums
contain family and friends of my great-grandparents
and are unknown even to my dad.
Finding these treasures, but being, in many instances,
(especially in the album which pre-dates my father,)
unable to use these valuable pieces
of my genealogy puzzle has emphasized to me
the need to label photographs and documents.
Peruse the following photographs taken
from my grandfather's, my father's
and my own family albums.
If you can identify
an individual or locale
in any of my photos,
please e-mail me.
MILLERs before 1900
Ellsworth & Jane Lackey Miller
Robert & Catharine Miller Griffiths
Oneida Co, NY
O'Connor & Nealon
Frank & Popp
Robert L. Griffiths jr.
Note concerning photos:
Due to space/size limits imposed by
the internet, photos displayed on the site may
not be as clear/focused as the originals.
The age (some over 100 years!) and size (tiny)
of the original photos may also negatively
contribute to the presentation.
If you are interested in viewing a photo
in higher resulution, please e-mail me.
Thank you. P.G.