Frances A. Cummins
Parents: Unknown
1850 Census lists him as 36 making birth about 1814 in Louisiana
1870 census lists him as 52 making birth in 1818 in Mississippi
1860 census lists him as 48 making birth about 1812 in Pennsyvania
Died: Unknown
John W. Cummins age 6 in 1850 Census, 17
in 1860 and 26 in 1870. In 1870 he is living in the household of his father
F. P. Cummins with his wife Josephine
and 4 year old daughter Francis Walker Cummins.
Richard W. Cummins age 10 in 1850 census, 20 in 1860 census, 28 in 1870 census
all list birthplace as Indiana.
In 1860 he is listed as a student. In 1870 he is listed as a lieut. in the army.
Frances E. Cummins age 5 in 1850 census, age 15 in 1860 census, not listed
in 1870, birthplace Indiana
Mary E. Cummins age 3 in 1850, 12 in 1860 and 21 in 1870. At this time she was
living in the household of F. P. Cummins with her husband Edwin J. Swan
Birthplace Indiana
Frederich W. Cummins age 2 in 1850, not listed in later census,
birthplace Indiana
Harry? A. Cummins age 7 in 1860, not listed in 1870. birthplace Indiana
Caroline A. Cummins age 5 in 1860, listed as Carrie? age 14 in 1870,
birthplace Indiana
In 1850 he is listed as a presbyterian minister. A letter from the current church
secretary, in Shelbyville Indiana, in regards to Rev. F. P. Cummins is quoted below.
"Apparently he had left the area by/before 1860 because he does not appear in
those census records.
Our church records state that he was a Stated Supply on 22 June 1850 and relation
was disolved in 1855. he was again a Stated Supply in March 1858 but it does not
say when the relationship was dissolved; however, a new Stated Supply was
installed on 2 Feb 1862.
I do not know which LaPorte County History you saw -- 1880 or the Rev E D Daniels
illustrated 1904--but I am enclosing copies of the pages from both which are
indexed. I am sorry that copies are not more perfect but the books are big and
difficult to copy neatly."
From A Twentieth Century history and biographical record of LaPorte County Indiana
by rev. E D Daniels illustrated 1904
Page 403
"In 1845 a Presbyterian church had been organized near Union Mills, whcih ceased
to exist. On June 22, 1850, antoher was organized by Rev. F. P. Cummins, in a
schoolhouse about two miles east of union Mills, where Mr. Cummins preached
until 1856."
Page 331
....october of that year the papers mentioned the Collegiate Institute as
flourishing. yet it was closed in 1848, probably at the end of the fall term.
In August 1856, Mr. Cummins announced that "the LaPorte Collegiate Institute
and Female Seminary, successfully conducted by the subscriber for several years,
and which closed in 1848," would be reopened on the first monday of September
with Mr. W. B. Truax, A. b. as assisstant. The attempt, however, was not
successful; public schools were now forging to the front, the war came on,
and in 1861 Mr. Cummins became chaplain of Colonel fitch's regiment, then
in camp at LaFayette.
The medical department of the university was more successful. It held on its
course year after year. In 1846 or `47 its name was changed to the Indiana
Medical College. Its catalogue showed that it was in a very prosperous c
ondition. The number of students attending it increased so as to make it
practicable to increase the faculty.It was considered one of the best
institutions of its kind in the west. At the commencement in 1847 there
were one hundred and four students in attendance, upon ninteen of whom
was conferred the degree of M. D., and the honorary degree of M. D. was
conferred upon two gentlemen from New york. The first building it
occupied stood where Davidsons & Porter's Store now stands. This was
afterwards occupied by the literary department under Professor Cummins.
Page 402
The second or New School Presbyterian church was organized
November 3, 1844, in a school house bleonging to rev. F. P. Cummins
From History of La Porte County Indiana, Chicago, Chas C. Chapman & Co. 1880
Page 619
In 1848-49 F. P. Cummins was a member of the board of trustees for what was
later named the Indiana Medical College.
In 1843 in LaPorte F. P. Cummins was principal of the Lancasterian Academy
which offered a "thorough english course, including philosophy, the natural
sciences, and the higher mathematics, there was taught Latin. Greek, German
and French. this institution had but a brief existence. ...... When it
was determined to organize the literary departement of the La Porte University,
application was made to Prof. Cumins to merge his school in it, as such a
move would be likely to make it successful from the start. to this proposition
he assented, and in connection with Rev. Mr. Marshall, pastor, at the time, of
the Presbyterian Church, he opened this department of the university. But it
seems not to have met with the success its friends anticipated and hoped; it
languished and died.
Page 809
On June 22, 1850 in district No. 1 in Noble township the "Bethel
Presbyterian Church" was charted by Rev. F. P. Cummins a resident of la Porte
at the time. He presided until January 1856.
Page 565
F. P. Cummins appointed June 1853 for one year to the list of
County Examiners and Superintendents
Appointed again in March of 1854.