Welcome to our Guestbook!
See who's been here and what they had to say.

Carolyn - 08/21/00 21:27:40
My URL:http://www.carolynwhite.homestead.com
My Email:carolyn_tn@hotmail.com


Hi I am the LOTH Award Elf for your region, just floating by to say hello!

Nicholas Ang - 07/24/00 08:10:35
My Email:nick1@aic.net.au

Cool site...

Fran Dahl - 06/03/00 17:32:27
My Email:fdahl23564@aol.com


Lindy Demlow - 05/29/00 03:07:55
My Email:WendyHa13@msn.com

I'm glad you know about the bible. I don't have time to learn for myself but with this I can take less time and learn thank you!

Caryn Thorp - 05/22/00 22:28:48
My Email:gypsy_lady52@yahoo.com

I thank you for inviting me into your homepage. It is beuatiful.

Fran Dahl - 04/19/00 15:29:59
My Email:fdahl23564@aol.com

Kat, Very nice home page and thank you for sending it to me. I had miss placed your e-mail address, now I have it again. Keep up the good work. God Bless you, Mom Dahl

Kassandra - 01/22/00 02:13:21
My Email:bob_white@webtv.net


brodie - 01/07/00 21:22:21
My Email:B-man08@webtv.net

nice web site from brodie

kitt - 12/23/99 02:28:55

hi mom :-) Ha Ha HA Ha Ha Ha Ha hA

toby bear - 12/21/99 22:22:53
My Email:tobybear0webtv.net

i love ya sis !!!!!!! thank you for you !!!!!

Kim - 12/14/99 06:40:30
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx/holyrain/index.html
My Email:rainluvr@ix.netcom.com

Greetings and welcome to LOTH! You are going to enjoy being a part of this wonderful group of ladies. I have enjoyed visiting your page very much. So much inspiration.

Diana - 12/14/99 03:06:08
My URL:http://www.sover.net/~dmb
My Email:dmb@sover.net

Hello Katherine, and welcome to Ladies of the Heart, we are glad you have joined us!! I am glad to meet you!! Please let me know if I can do anything to help you in finding your way around LOTH-Land!

Allison - 11/30/99 05:48:52
My URL:/SoHo/Village/1652/index.html
My Email:goddess001_98@yahoo.com

What an inspiring site! Hugs

Kasey DeMille - 11/13/99 03:27:15
My Email:bob_wight

Hi mom I miss you.I LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU TO DETH.***** *****se you tomaroo

Judy Sampson - 11/02/99 21:56:43

Hi again, Good job on your new homepage! Keep up the good work. What a mighty God we serve. Judy

Marla Bowen - 10/05/99 06:19:26
My Email:dmbnc5@eburg.com

I agree it is important to teach a child when they are young , this is not a easy task nor was it meant to be. let the children know you love them BUT,... that they still must mind.& when you are in doubt about how to headel these children ... ask GOD si ce he has known tem longer & he is perfect!

Helen - 08/25/99 17:22:49
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/preachingjesus/index.html
My Email:hfertitta@excite.com

Amen, sister! About the discipline thing! Our kids deserve those boundaries in life. We are just beginning to see the repercussions of a society without limitations! It is heart-breaking. Our Father loves us enough to give us boundaries. I hope we c n love our children enough to do the same. In His Love, Helen

Norma Marvin - 08/13/99 15:17:20

This is beautiful. I am so glad Barb sent it to me. Thank you.

Kathleen - 08/11/99 14:31:24
My URL:http://member.tripod.com/Lady_Girl_00/index.html
My Email:k_demille@hotmail.com

Love your site sis. Good job. Glad you are back on. Visit my web page hope you like it. Love your sister Kathleen

nanny - 07/24/99 21:57:04
My Email:nannymam@yahoo.com

verry nice page!!! it's sweet

smeerlap - 07/11/99 20:20:34
My URL:http://dat ga ik a na eens ni zeggen se

dat is hi nen debiele website als ge dat maar weet. niemand interreseert dat hi . Dus verwijdert deze site ma snellekes. En dan die opening:welkom all gods childeren dat is ronduit debiel. DELETE THIS HOMEPAGE

- 06/09/99 06:31:09

You need to use spellcheck. Recipes, Control, speech, etc.

Anne - 06/09/99 03:12:08
My URL:/CapitolHill/Congress/4272/
My Email:vatefft@goodnet.com

How nice that we share the same earth. I love the darness at night and I love the sounds that fill our night. Thank you for signing my guestbook. Loves, Anne of Turkey Creek. I will send your page to all on my list.

Anne - 05/30/99 16:07:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/4272/
My Email:vatefft@goodnet.com

Thank you for your words and the effort you have put into your pages, Please visit me. We might have things in common.

- 05/30/99 16:07:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/4272/
My Email:vatefft@goodnet.com

Thank you for your words and the effort you have put into your pages, Please visit me. We might have things in common.

Jocelyn Cottrill - 05/23/99 13:18:54
My Email:cottrill@lni.net


Billy - 05/01/99 23:21:40


David Kinsman - 04/29/99 02:30:59

Nice work!

Kathleen DeMille - 04/24/99 04:35:06
My Email:katia@nwark.net

Cool job sis but people think you are me. Just think brothers marrieing the same named women lol. Love you all. Good job on the sight. Love you Your Big sis Kathleen

Sharon Bauer - 04/14/99 14:30:22
My Email:swbauer@ibm.net

Great job, Kathleen! I'll have the kids check it out too!

badboii - 04/14/99 01:48:26
My Email:u know it

Nice homepage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

barbara williams - 04/14/99 01:25:41
My URL:hdon't have one
My Email:barb242@webtv.net

This is realy neat. I'm Kathleen DeMilles mom. This my first visit but wont be my last. God bless you and your site. barb

Wizard of DOS - 03/29/99 16:48:13
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/5251/
My Email:wizard_of_dos@geocities.com

Looks like your new Guestbook is working fine. Well done!

Wizard of DOS Home Page

Billy Holbrook - 03/27/99 16:16:09
My Email:holbroobillyg@hotmail.com

Hey, how are you doing? Here is my email address hope you can reply.

Kitt DeMille - 03/26/99 12:48:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/KITTEN
My Email:fox_kitt@webtv.net

HI MOMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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