Omalanthus populifolius
Native Bleeding Heart. Rainforest shrub to 4m tall, with the old leaves
turning red. Green fruits follow the tiny green flowers.
Ozothamnus diosmifolius
(formerly Helichrysum) Sago Bush. Shrub 2 - 3m. Narrow linear leaves to 1cm.
Spectacular white flower heads to 8cm across, can be used as cut flowers.
Pandorea jasminoides
Bower of Beauty, Bower Climber. A climber with glossy, dark green pinnate leaves. The 50 mm conspicuous flowers are usually white with a red throat, but pink forms like that in the photograph are known and cultivated as well. Narrow pods follow the flowers.
Parsonsia straminea
Silk Pod. A vine. Leaves vary in size. In old specimens the stems may be
over 10cm in diameter. Flowers in December.
Patersonia sericea
Native Iris, Purple Flag. About 400 mm high, bright green 10 mm wide strap-like leaves. 3-petalled purple flowers in spring.
Patersonia sp.
Native Iris, Purple Flag. About 300 mm high, grey-green strap-like leaves. Lavender - purple flowers with 3 petals to 4cm across.
Pavetta australiensis
Rainforest shrub to 4m. dense terminal clusters of fragrant white flowers in
October - November followed by black fruit.
Petalostigma pubescens
Quinine Bush. A small slow growing tree to 5m. The yellow to orange fruits
are about 2 cm in diameter, and appear within the foliage in Autumn.
Phaleria clerodendron
A bushy Australian rainforest tree with dark glossy green leaves to 150 mm long. Spectacular white, scented, tubular flowers occur on the trunk and larger branches, followed by red ovoid fruits to 25 mm long.
Pimelea linifolia
Rice Flower. Herbaceous shrub to about 20cm. Flowers in terminal heads vary
in size and colour from plant to plant, but are usually white, occasionally
Pittosporum revolutum
Brisbane Laurel, Rough Fruit Pittosporum. A 2.5 m rainforest shrub. Leaves are in whorls and have rusty hairs underneath. 15 mm yellow flowers are followed by 30 mm dark yellow pods which open to reveal bright red sticky seeds.
Pittosporum rhombifolium
Diamond Pittosporum; White Bolly. A small rainforest tree with toothed
leaves. Masses of white flowers appear in summer, followed by masses of showy
orange fruits in Autumn.
Pleiogynium timorense
Burdekin Plum. See my
Bush Tucker pages.
Psychotria loniceroides
Rounded shrub. Small white flowers in late spring followed by cream berries.
Pullea stutzeri
Hard Alder. Bushy rainforest tree. Serrated leaves with brilliant red new
growth. Clusters of white ball flowers along the branches several times per
Pultenea retusa
Slender shrub to 2m. Linear leaves 1cm with indented (retused) tips. Yellow
pea flowers in terminal clusters in September.