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[The Gospel of God] [Gospel's Three Elements] [The Difficult Part] 
[Mercy and Works] [Faith and Power]

Christian churches differ among themselves on many issues such as the proper mode of baptism, the true meaning of Communion, facts regarding the Second Coming of Christ, and the role of women in the Church.  These issues are important in the sense that belief in one way or another does not affect one’s eternal destiny.  It will not affect your destiny, I believe, if one is baptized by immersion or by another means, for example.  However, there are certain nonnegotiable tenants of the Christian Gospel – so nonnegotiable in fact that failure of a church group to hold to these tenants properly defines them as non-Christian by definition.  These beliefs are so fundamental to the Christian religion that failure to understand them properly illustrates such an ignorance of basic Christian doctrine so as to place in question the eternal destiny of those so deluded.  The nonnegotiable portions of the Gospel of Christ are discussed below.

The Gospel of God

Man’s place with respect to God begins in the Garden of Eden.  The Garden was the most perfect environment that could be created for man, and it was there that God could teach man about Himself personally.  It was a perfect environment in which sin did not exist.  Everything created in that Garden had a purpose, and everything fulfilled that purpose.  Man enjoyed the fellowship of his Creator in a personal and very real way.  At first, man followed God as an exercise of his free will; fur it was through the exercise of this will that man first sinned.  He listed to the seductive lies of the Serpent, “Ye shall be as gods” was the great lie of the Serpent, and it is this lie that has been used by Satan down to this day.  When Adam and eve through exercise of their free will decided to sin against God, sin entered into the world, and “death by sin, and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned.”  (Romans 5:12). 

Death not only ends our short life, but it also separates us form God.  Ordinarily, sin would eternally separate man from God, for God being perfect, cannot permit any form or sin to pollute His presence.  However, God planned how He would reunite mankind to Himself.  Without ceasing to be God, He would become a man through a virgin birth.  Only God could be the Savior (Isaiah 43:11, 45:21), thus the Messiah had to be God (Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 45:15, Titus 1:3-4, etc.).  He would die for our sins to pay the penalty demanded by His justice. Then, He would rise from the dead to live in those who would believe in and receive Him as their Lord and Savior.  Forgiveness of sins and eternal life would be the believer’s gift – a free gift of His grace.

Centuries before the Incarnation, God inspired the Old Testament prophets to declare His eternal and unchangeable plan of salvation.  Definitive criteria were provided by which the coming Savior would be identified.  Jesus and His apostles did not invent a “new religion.”  Christianity fulfills scores of specific prophecies and is therefore provable from Scripture!

So it was not a new gospel which Paul the apostle preached, but “the gospel of God (which He had promised afore by His prophets in the Holy Scriptures) concerning his Son Jesus Christ…” (Romans 1;1-3).  Thus, the Bereans could check Paul’s message against the Old Testament (Acts 17:11); and he could use the Hebrew prophets which were read in the synagogue every Sabbath, to show that Jesus was the promised Messiah.  Not Buddha, not Muhammad, not anybody else could show these credentials.  The fulfillment of scores of prophecies and specific requirements as set forth in Scripture written hundreds of years previously would be absolute proof that Christ was the Messiah.

In Hebrews 2:3, the question is asked, “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?”  The answer is equally as plain – there is no escape.  The Bible makes this very clear.  To add to, reject, take from, or otherwise change “the gospel of God” is to perpetuate the rebellion begun by Adam and Eve and to leave one eternal separated from God and His salvation.  We can try to “do it my way” without God, effectually denying His existence and refusing His grace.  We would then suffer the eternal consequences of this act, whereby we become eternally separated from God and suffer the eternal consequences earned by our refusal of His grace.

The Gospel of Christ is not difficult, but is simple and precise leaving no room for interpretation or negotiation: “that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day…” (1 Cor 15:3-4).  This “everlasting gospel” (Rev. 14:6) was promised “before the world began” (2 Tim 1:9; Titus 1:2) and cannot change with time or culture.  There is no other hope for mankind; no other way to be forgiven and be brought back into communion with God except through this “straight and narrow way” (Matt. &:13).  Any other way leads to destruction.

The Gospel's Three Elements

The one true “gospel of God’s grace” which God offers is the only way – the only salvation.  It has three basic elements,

  1. Who Christ is – full God and perfect, sinless man in one person (were He less he could not then be our Savior),
  2. Who man is – hopeless sinners already condemned to eternal death, and
  3. What Christ’s death accomplished – the payment in full for our sins (any attempt at all for man to in some measure pay for or influence his salvation denies and rejects the efficacy of the Cross).

Christ has commanded us to “preach the gospel (good news!) to every creature (person)” (Mark 16:15).  When man is preached to, what response is then required from that man?  “What must I do to be saved? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved” (Acts 16:30-31).  Nor religion, ritual, nor good works will have any influence upon our eternal destiny; we are not saved by what church we might belong to.  Rather, we are saved by our belief – faith – in Christ.  God calls us to believe, “For by grace are ye saved through faith” (Eph. 2:8) that “whosoever believes in him will not perish, but has eternal life (John 3:16).

It is the gospel alone that will save those who believe in it.  Nothing else will save.  Therefore, we must preach the gospel, “Woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel” (1 Cor. 9:16).  Sentimental appeals to “come to Jesus” or “make a decision for Christ” will not avail anything if the gospel is not clearly explained and believed.

Many are attracted to the figure of Christ because of his admirable character, his noble martyrdom, or because believe in Him is known to change lives.  However, such converts have not truly believed in the gospel and hence are not saved (John 3:36).  Furthermore, salvation comes on God’s terms and by His grace.  We cannot negotiate the gospel either with God or with one another.  Salvation is a work of God and His Son; we either believe it or reject it.  We can’t accept one portion and not the other.

Paul sums up the simple truth of the Gospel, “that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures (1 Cor. 15:3-4).  “I am the door”, said Christ: “by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.” (John 10;9).  Note that the gospel does not contain anything about baptism, church membership, or even attendance, tithing, sacraments or rituals, diet or clothing.  If we add anything to the gospel – the means whereby men are saved – then we have perverted it and thus come under Paul’s anathema in Gal. 1:8-9.  The Galatian heresy that caused Paul to become so upset was the addition or other requirements for salvation in addition to belief in Christ.  Specifically, in that day, there were Jews who had become Christians, but who were insisting that Christian obey old Mosaic laws including circumcision.  Paul vehemently informs the Corinthians that such was not the will of God; that the only requirement for salvation was belief in God – and nothing else.  To add any more would indicate that man would have some influence upon his own salvation and thereby diminish the work of the Cross.  When Christ died, his last words were, “It is finished!’.  Furthermore, after ascension to Heaven, Christ “sat down” at the right hand of the Father furthermore indicating that our salvation is a done deal and does not depend upon anything we could do because we could add nothing.  “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us” (Titus 3:5); “for by grace are ye saved, through faith … the gift of God 9is0 not of works, lest any man should boast …’ (Eph. 2:8-9).

Instead of works, the gospel merely requires faith.  It is the power of God unto salvation to those who believe. “Now to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.” (Romans 4:5).  The gospel of Christ is like a two-edged sword in that it declares, “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life.”  But, the same verse also notes, “and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him” (John 3:36).

The Difficult Part

Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of the gospel to accept is that those who do not accept it are eternally lost – no matter what good works they might have done.

The reasons for that fact are grounded in both God’s love and His justice.  God’s justice requires that the infinite penalty for sin must be paid.  In payment we would be separated from God forever, so He became a man through the virgin birth to pay the penalty for us.  No one can complain against God.  He has proved His love by doing all that He could for our salvation.  He has himself paid the penalty and on that basis can be both “just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus”. (Romans 3:26).  Jesus said, “…Ye are from beneath; I am from above…if ye believe that I AM (this is God’s name, Yahweh), ye shall die in your sins” (John 8:23-24).  Jesus says we must believe that He is God, for He is; and no one less than God could save us.  We must believe that the sinless One “died for our sins,” and was buried; and that He rose bodily from the grave.  Only by believing this Gospel are we saved.

This means that even someone as virtuous as Mother Teresa cannot be saved unless that person also believes.  Because we are all sinners; and because one we have broken one of God’s commandments we “[are] guilty of all” (James 2:10); and “by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight” (Romans 3:20).  Keeping the law perfectly from now on could never make up for having already broken just one.

For God to grant salvation by any other means than faith in Christ alone would be an insult to the One whom the Father insisted had to endure His wrath as the sacrifice for sin.  Furthermore, God would be breaking His own code of justice and going back on His Word.  No, even God himself could not save one of Earth’s most notable saint – Mother Teresa – unless she too gave her live to Christ, and did not rely upon her good works for her salvation.

There is a real danger that in our zeal to get people to accept the gospel of Christ, we manufacture a gospel acceptable to people and produce converts to something else other than the Gospel of Christ.  Today’s most notable examples of this tendency include the “positive” gospel that is intended not to offend.  One of the most popular televangelists, for example, has said that it is demeaning to call anyone a sinner and that Christ died to restore human dignity and self-esteem.  He claims to win many to Christ with that seductive message – but such a gospel is a farce – it is not the Gospel of Christ.

Evangelistic appeals are often made to “come to Christ” for the wrong reasons.  Some of these wrong reasons might include being healthy, happy, successful, to restore a marriage or to handle stress.  Others preach a gospel that is so diluted or perverted that it deceives many into thinking they are saved. 

Religion – not atheism - is Satan’s main weapon.  “The god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the lights of the glorious gospel of Christ ..should shine unto them” (2 Cor. 4:4).  To combat “the gospel of the grace of God” (Acts 20:24), the great deceiver has many false gospels, but they all have two subtle rejections of grace in common: ritual and/or self-effort.

Ritual makes redemption an ongoing process performed by a special priesthood; and self-effort gives man a part to play in earning his salvation.  The one denies the finality of the Cross.  The other denies its sufficiency.  Either one robs God of the uniqueness of the gift He wishes to give fallen man: “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23).

Mercy vs. Works

“An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me … And if thou wilt make me an altar of stone, thou shalt not build it of hewn stone: for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou hast polluted it.  Neither shalt thou go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon.” (Exodus 20_24-26)

“…[L]et us build us a city and a tower [of Babel], whose top may reach unto heaven …” (Genesis 11:4)

These two versus illustrate one of the primary difficulties man has in his relationship with God; that of man’s pride.  We are always, it seems, trying to make God’s religion a work’s based religion so that we will have some input into our own salvation.  However, Scripture is very, very clear that God alone draws man to Himself, for man is dead unto sin, and dead people cannot make any movement.  But, these two verses also illustrate that this point was well illustrated not only in the New Testament, but also in the Old Testament as well. 

God’s instruction to the ancient Israelites was clear.  If the ground was too rocky to gather up a mount of earth for an altar, stones could be heaped together – but they could not be cut or fashioned in any way for to do so would pollute them.  Nor could the altar be elevated.  Not one step could be climbed to reach the altar.  There must be no illusion that man could contribute anything through his own efforts to his salvation.  God himself is the only One who can save man, and salvation must be a gift of His grace.  Such is the gospel consistently presented from Genesis to Revelation.  Consider the following verses,

“I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour (Isaiah 43:11).

[He is] The mighty God, The everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6)

…thou shalt call his name Jesus, for he shall save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:21)

For by grace are ye saved … not of works, lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2:8-9)

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us (Titus 3:5).

Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus (Romans 3:24)

And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace.  But if it be of works, then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work. (Romans 11:6).

Babel may be traced from ancient paganism to the “high places” of ancient Israel (1 Kings 11:7, 2 Kings 23:15, Ezekiel 16:24-39, etc), and on to every religion on earth today.  The ornate temples or mosques and elaborate ceremonies found in Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Mormonism, and other cults and the occult are obvious continuations of this Tower of Babel.  But, so are the magnificent cathedrals, lofty steeples, exalted and gilded altars, luxurious vestments and impressive rituals of today’s “high church” denominations.  God is not influenced by such enhancements.  Solomon’s Temple was certainly magnificent; but it was uniquely designed and commanded by God.  Both the tabernacle in the wilderness and the temple, which succeeded it, were “a figure … of good things to come [i.e., of Christ and heaven]” (Hebrews 9:9-11).  God told Moses, “See to it that thou make all things according to the pattern which I showed to thee on the mount” (Hebrews 8:5).

God gives no such pattern or approval for any other religious structure.  God does not live in the modern “sanctuaries” of churches; rather, God lives in every believer’s body (“your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit” (`1 Cor. 3:17).  Paul reminded the Athenians,

“God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands; Neither is worshipped with men’s hands, as though he needed any thing, seeing he giveth to all life, and breath, and all things; … (Acts 17:24-25).

Jesus explained that God does indeed wish our worship – but it must be “in spirit and in truth” (John 4:23-240.  Affectations, whether in physical adornments, props, or ceremonies, appeal to the flesh and far from enhancing worship, effectively deny both the truth and the Spirit, by which it alone can be offered to God who created and redeemed us.  Sacramentalism – the belief that liturgy’s form and formulas transmit spiritual power and that salvation comes through the sacraments, too readily creeps into even Protestant thinking. 

All of us are the children of the first parents who first sinned and fell from grace.  Every place of worship, which has been adorned for the purpose of hallowing it or gaining some special favor from God violates Exodus 20:24-26 as well as the rest of Scripture.  All such “sanctuaries” are monuments to man’s rebellion and his proud and perverted religion of self-effort.  It is all too easy to fall into the comforting belief that belonging to a church and periodically “worshiping” in its “sanctuary” makes one a Christian and compensates for one’s lack of consistent, personal holiness.  Billions continue today in the same spirit as the Tower of Babel, to pursue self-oriented religious programs to earn their way to heaven.  In the process, truth and doctrine are relegated to a secondary role, or indeed none.

Faith and Power

It is important to recognize the relationship between God and man when dealing with faith issues.  One must never lose sight of the fact that God is forever sovereign, and that man is forever subject to God. Too many view this relationship in completely the opposite terms, that is, if you have enough faith, then God will do whatever you want.  One such person noted, “Prayer is communicating with the deep unconscious … Your unconscious mine … [has a] power that turns wishes into realities.  You don’t know the power you have within you!…You make the world into anything you choose.”  Again, this is Tower of Babel thinking whereby the power of “thinking” becomes the stairway that leads to heaven where all wishes can be fulfilled.

For others, faith is a mind power that even God uses when one speaks from “the word of faith.”  Many Christians believe that the exercise of faith causes what they are praying for will happen.  Of course, if believing something will happen actually causes it to happen, then who needs God?  Again, man’s faith then becomes the stairway in the Tower of Babel and again man becomes the god and God becomes subject to man’s faith.  We must always remember that God is not subject to man, and that everything will be the will of God.  Faith is not a magic power to get God to bless our plans, the “the obedience of faith (Acts 6;7, Romans 1:5, 2 Thess. 1:8) brings us into submission to Him as the instruments of His will.

But the exercise of faith is not limited to those of us who believe in God.  Indeed, humanists also have their own brand of faith – faith in mankind.  They believe that through the ever improving power of the mind of man, and his self improvement through the application of science, modern man will conquer space, time, and all disease to eventually become the immortal master of the universe.  The humanist’s heaven is a peaceful cosmos populated by highly intelligent, “evolved” space traveling creatures that have restored paradise through the application of technology.

One of Christian psychology’s major appeals is its false claim to being scientific.  Religious science is a major element in the environmental movement, where the earth is increasingly viewed as sacred.  Ecotheology, says a Georgetown University professor, “starts with the premise that the Universe is God.”  Carl Sagan exemplified this philosophy by noting, “If we must worship a power greater than ourselves, does it not make sense to revere the Sun and stars?”  The environmental movement is a humanistic attempt to restore the Earth without repenting of humanity’s rebellion against God. 

New Age is being purposefully being promoted in the public schools through such programs as America 2000.  Bill Clinton, while governor of Arkansas, initiated a school “reform” which had as one of its principle aims the remolding of students into planetary citizens separated from their parents, including the worship of self and the universe as god.

Exodus 20:24-26 is a foundational passage that indicates to the believer that the earth is not to be worshipped or honored, but to be used as an altar.  Sin brought a curse upon the earth, a curse that could only be removed through the shedding of blood (Leviticus 17:11).  Animals were sacrificed upon an altar of earth in anticipation of the Lam of God who would, “by the sacrifice of himself” (Heb. 9:26) once and for all obtain “eternal redemption for us.”

There are peripheral issues on which Christians may differ such as diet, dress, mode of baptism, honoring certain days, how and how often to keep the Lord’s Supper, etc.  Salvation, however, is the central issue on which all must agree.  Paul cursed those who taught the one must believe the gospel and keep the law in order to be saved (Galatians 1:6-12).  No one believing that message could be saved because they then are relying upon their own good works for their own righteousness.  This practice would lead to our destruction since all our works are as filthy rags before God, and there is not a single person upon the earth that is righteous!  The “gospel of God” is very specific and must be believed for one to be saved.  “[S]trait is the gat, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Matt. 7:14).  That “narrowminded” statement was not the invention of some dogmatic preacher fundamentalist, but rather came from our Lord Himself!

“The faith” for which we must “earnestly content” (Jude 3) has definite moral and doctrinal content and must be believed for salvation – all else is Babel and condemned by God.
