On this site you'll find articles from customer newletters published back when we were putting out a catalog, as well as a lot of previously unpublished material. If you can't remember where you previously found a link, look here. |
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Aril and Arilbred Classification. Starts with an overview suitable for those who've never met an aril or arilbred. Structured to let you delve as deeply into the details as you like, or stop with the level of knowledge you want. |
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Aril Code Chart, illustrates the various codes with photographs of representative cultivars |
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Arilbred Code Chart, illustrates the various codes with photographs of representative cultivars |
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Take the Arilbred Quiz, to see if you can recognize the different classes. |
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Take the Aril Quiz, to see if you can recognize the different classes. |
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See my Breeder's Digest, in traditional form. |
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Read about Breeding for Quarterbreds. |
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Read about Bypassed Breeders, fertile halfbreds underutilized in the rush to capitalize on the advent of the C.G. White hybrids. |
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Read about the C.G.White Hybrids and their descendants. |
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Review the Classification of Quarterbreds through the years. |
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Learn how – and why – to do Descendant Analysis. |
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Go to the key to the Descendant Analysis Sheets. |
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Learn about the History of Quarterbreds. |
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Read about Hoogianabreds, arilbreds whose only aril ancestry traces to the regelia species, I. hoogiana. |
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See the list of Hybridizers who have registered and introduced arils and arilbreds, with their locations and associated decades. |
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See my List of Introductions to find out if the iris you're interested in is one of mine. |
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Go to our Non-Catalog, a list of cultivars that includes descriptions, pedigrees, hybridizing hints, links to photos – everything except ordering information. |
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See the poster of Onco Species for examples of the species that have contributed to our arilbred gene pool and descriptions of those that have not. |
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Learn about Pedigree Analysis. (Includes a form for charting pedigrees.) |
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Visit my Photo Gallery to see poster displays, like those you'd find as an Educational Exhibit in an AIS-sanctioned show, just-for-fun quizzes like I use with programs, and Sibling Sheets of interest to hybridizers. |
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Go to a page of links to articles about Quarterbreds. |
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See the poster of Regelia Species for examples of the species that have contributed to our arilbred gene pool and descriptions of those that have not. |
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Consult the Species Section to learn more about individual species and their contributions to the gene pool, as well as to find the modern equivalent of many old names. |
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Read about Stoloniferabreds, arilbreds whose only aril ancestry traces to the regelia species, I. stolonifera |
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Read a Year-by-Year summary of selections from crosses. |
In the past twenty-some years, I've written many articles for various Iris publications - mostly on hybridizing, but also on culture, collecting, and club activities. Because Iris Societies derive revenue from sales of back issues, I will not post entire published articles here. Instead, I offer the following annotated bibliographies with enough information to let you decide whether you want to find and read the entire piece.
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Bibliography of my articles published in AIS Bulletins, the quarterly publication of the American Iris Society. Back issues may be purchased from the AIS Storefront. |
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Bibliography of my articles published in the ASI Yearbook, the annual publication of the Aril Society International. Coming soon! |
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Bibliography of my articles published in The Medianite, the quarterly publication of the Median Iris Society. |
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Bibliography of my articles published in ROOTS, the semi-annual Journal of the Historic Iris Preservation Society. |
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Bibliography of my articles published in SIGNA, the semi-annual publication of the Species Iris Group of North America. Coming soon! |