Search McAllister's Iris Gardens
Yahoo's search engine normally covers all Yahoo/Geocities websites, Yahoo's Categories, or
all web sites -- but it can also be used to target just this site.
To do so, enter both the word or phrase you want to find and
"McAllister" or "Sharon McAllister" in the search box, then
click on Submit Query.
For example, if you want to find all references to Toldjaso, enter
Toldjaso McAllister
When I tested this, the search engine returned one hit, plus a clickable link
to other similar hits. This works because Toldjaso is an unusual
To find a more common term, use the phrase search:
"Expert Advice" "Sharon
Again, when I tested this it returned one hit plus the link to
similar ones.
If you want to use this search engine to explore beyond this site, just click
on "options" and follow Yahoo's instructions.