Registration Form (please print)

Home Phone:_____________________________________  Work Phone:____________________________
Name of Camper__________________________________________________  Sex:___________________
Address:_____________________________________________________  Postal Code:_______________
Age:______Birthday (day/month/year):______________________  Grade completed by summer:__________
Have you attended camp before?______  When?_________  Hospitalization Number:___________________
First Choice Camp #____  Camp Dates:_________  Second Choice Camp#_____  Camp Dates:_____________
Parent/Guardian's Name & Signature:_________________________________________________________

 ** Please note, we are not able to accept any requests for preferential
cabin assignments, and any such requests will be ignored. **

All camps must be preregistered by June 25th, 1999.

Mail registration fee of $25.00 (non-refundable) and completed form to:

Camp Tapawingo
1139 - 22nd Street East
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
S6V 1P2
Make cheque payable to CAMP TAPAWINGO

Camp Tapawingo staffing does not enable us to provide for all special circumstances.  Therefore we reserve the right to refuse campers whose medical or supervisory care is beyond our ability to meet.