James and Abigail LANT came to Strongsville, Ohio from Staffordshire, England in 1867 with their son Henry, aged 22.
Two years later, Henry (better known as Harry) (1845-1924) married Elizabeth Pierce (1850-1919), who was born in Devonshire, England.
The young couple returned to England about two years after their marriage, and their first two children, one who died in infancy and Charles (1873-1916), were born there.
In 1873 the Lants returned to Strongsville and Henry began working at Avery's Grist Mill, which later became the property of the Roy Milling Company.
In 1894 Henry purchased the Albion Mill, built by John S. Strong in 1820, which he operated, later with Richard Evans, until it was sold to Mr. Evans in 1896.
At that time Mr. Lant built the grain elevator at Vigil which he operated until 1919.
Mr. Lant was active in the Methodist Church, serving on its board of trustees for many years.
The Lants became the parents of nine children, two of whom died in infancy.
Charles, the eldest son, worked with his father in the mill until the time of his death. In 1907, he married Jessie Bolton, and to them were born two daughters: May and Edna.
May did not marry. Edna married Dennis Wolfe and to them were born three children: Beverly, Clyde, and Kenneth.
Beverly married Philip Sullivan, and they have two children: Peggy and Kevin. The other two Wolfe children are Clyde and Kenneth.
Anna(1875-1902) married Albert Hales and they set up housekeeping in a house on the lot presently numbered 13431 Pearl Road.
Rose (1878-1902) married William Broady and they had three children: Eileen, Geraldine and Calvin. Eileen married Alford Sanderson and they became the parents of Sherry who married Ronald Greer. Geraldine died in infancy. Calvin Broady married Elsie Sessa and they have two children: Patrick and Thomas.
William (1883-1949) married Ivy Cecil, and there were no children.
Albert (1885-1955) married Rose Davis and the had six children: Alberta, Albert,Jr., Harry, Martha and Charles.
Alberta married Byron Newell and they had one child: William (my hubby). Albert, Jr., married Nanette Wiseman and they had four children: Richard, Dale, Gregory, and Nancy.
Rose, Albert's third child, married John Olsen and had five children: Daniel, Gary, Michael, Cathie and Laurie. Daniel married Cheryl Christopher. Micheal married Lisa Marie. To date, Gary, Cathy, and Laurie are not married.
Albert's fourth child, Harry, did not marry.
The fifth child, Martha, married Wordell Reiger and they are the parents of: Cindy, Knute and Cathy.
The sixth child, Charles, married Mary Sazagio and they have one daughter, Cathy.
Minnie, 1891, married Charles Wetherwax. They had no children.
Pearl, 1893, married Carl Offenberg and the had two children: Kenneth and Nelson. Kenneth married Virginia Campfield. They had no children.
Nelson married Mary Jo Whitman and they have two children: Maryann and Beverly.
Three daughters of Harry and Elizabeth Lant.
Rose Broady, Minnie Wetherwax and Pearl Offenberg.
(Taken from "The History of Storongsville, Ohio)
NOTE: If you are related to this family, please feel free to email me with your information and I will include it on this page. My husband is the son of Byron and Alberta(Lant)Newell.