and Xiangtan
1. Question: What is the proper name and mailing address of the Xiangtan Orphanage?Answer: Xiangtan Children's Welfare Institute
No. 3 Banma Lu Road, Bantangpu, Yuetang District
Xiangtan City, Hunan Province 411102
People's Republic of China Telephone: 86-732-55766897 (8/97, updated 11/02)
When sending things to the orphanage, it would be helpful to include your child's chinese name either in Chinese or in English (obviously, Chinese characters are better) instead of only their (new) English name. The nannies are thrilled to see photos of children who have been adopted from there.
6. Question: What can you tell me about the workers/number of children at the orphanage?
Answer: That varies
from group to group and the political climate at the time. Some were not
allowed to visit the orphanage at all-- the babies were delivered to their
hotels; some were given tours of the exterior of the orphanage and selected
portions of the interior. (2/93;12/99;6/00)
2. Question: Are the sidewalks in Changsha suitable for strollers?
Answer: One couple on our trip bought a stroller in Xiangtan since their child was too heavy to carry.(10/99)
Answer: Some of the hotels may but most groups take the 2 arm chairs in each room, put them together with the arms facing each other and padding the resulting space with pillows, sheets, and comforters--voila! a crib! (2/93; 6/00)
4. Question: Is there any place to shop in Changsha?
Answer: There is a Friendship Store and the Apollo Department Store.(6/00)(webmaster's note: There are other places to shop too--these two were just mentioned after a recent trip)
5.Question: Do you have any recommendations for hotels in Changsha?
Answer: The Tong
Chen "Doulton Hotel", opened in 1998, was excellent and within a block
of the Friendship and department store.(6/00)
Answer: Comfort foods
for adults like instant oatmeal, peanut butter, cup of soup (2/93);
all of our baby supplies like formula, diapers, rice cereal (2/93;
2/99); cheerios for toddlers, pediatric decongestant
for plane rides (10/99); adult
medicines for upper respiratory problems (the air in Changsha is brutal!)
and alcohol wipes (for cleaning anything and everything) (2/93);
Polaroid camera to give photos to the orphanage (6/00)
Please send your questions
(and any answers too!) for inclusion on this page.