Welcome. Feel free to wander around my little corner of the web. You can find out about horses, Rottweilers, or visit Sundrop's Corner of the Web to find out everything about my horse and the breed of horse known as the Appaloosa. Please sign my guestbook while you are here. Enjoy! Bookmark this site and come back often, as I am constantly working on it!
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I have learned / You might be a Yankee if... / Poetry / Harvard Entrance Exam - Athelete's Version / Facts of Life /Premarin: What every woman needs to know / Rainbow Bridge /
Sundrop's Corner of the Web - Come visit my Appaloosa gelding!
This website designed and maintained by Tiffany Shults. Please do not take any graphics or written material off my page. I have asked permission to use the things that are not mine, please have enough respect to do the same.