Last updated 6:35 a.m. ET on 5 January 2000. Conservative Jews at HomeWe are members of Temple Israel in Sharon, which is affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. Temple Israel is a traditional (full services, lots of Hebrew), egalitarian (women participate fully in the life of the congregation) synagogue and we are happy to have found a congregation where we feel at home. What can we tell you about ourselves and how we are Jewish in a egalitarian yet traditional way? Every day is a new experience; every year we find that we encounter Jewish tradition and observance in new ways. Currently, we have two major pieces to this part of our site. The first is what we call Big Jewish Topics and how we deal with them. The second is the yearly holiday cycle and how we celebrate. There are many places to begin a discussion of the Jewish year and the cycle it makes. We have chosen to begin with the Spring holiday of Pesach and work our way through the year to Purim.
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