/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /*Site Logo Script (Geocities Watermark) Last updated: Dec 14, 1998 © Dynamic Drive (www.dynamicdrive.com) For full source code, installation instructions, 100's more DHTML scripts, and Terms Of Use, visit dynamicdrive.com*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //edit the below 6 steps // 1) substitute 116 and 42 with the width and height of your logo image, respectively if (document.images) var staticlogo=new Image(106,71) // 2) change the image path to reflect the path of your logo image staticlogo.src="http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1264/blacklogo.gif" // 3) Change url below to the target URL of the logo var logolink="http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hills/1264/Halloween.html" // 4) change the alttext variable to reflect the text used for the "alt" attribute of the image tag var alttext="Logo" // 5) set below to either "1" or "0" ("1" fades the logo into view) Note: IE 4 specific var fadeintoview=1 /* 6) Finally, below variable determines the duration the logo should be visible after loading, in seconds. If you'd like the logo to appear for 20 seconds, for example, enter 20. Entering a value of 0 causes the logo to be perpectually visible. */ var visibleduration=0 ///////////////////////////Do not edit below this line///////////////////////// function regenerate(){ window.location.reload() } function regenerate2(){ if (document.layers) setTimeout("window.onresize=regenerate",400) } var fadeset='' if (fadeintoview) fadeset="filter:alpha(opacity=0)" if (document.all) document.write('') function bringintoview(){ if (logo.filters.alpha.opacity<=95) logo.filters.alpha.opacity+=5 else{ clearInterval(viewit) if (visibleduration!=0) setTimeout("logo.style.visibility='hidden'",visibleduration*1000) } } function createlogo(){ staticimage=new Layer(100) staticimage.left=-300 staticimage.top=120 staticimage.document.write(''+alttext+'') staticimage.document.close() staticimage.visibility="show" regenerate2() staticitns() } if (document.layers) window.onload=createlogo; if (document.all){ w=document.body.clientWidth-logo.style.pixelWidth-5 h=2 logo.style.left=w logo.style.top=h } function logoit(){ var w2=document.body.scrollLeft+w var h2=document.body.scrollTop+h logo.style.left=w2 logo.style.top=h2 } function logoit2(){ staticimage.left=pageXOffset+window.innerWidth-staticimage.document.width-15 staticimage.top=pageYOffset+2 } function insertimage(){ logo.innerHTML=''+alttext+'' if (fadeintoview) viewit=setInterval("bringintoview()",100) else{ if (visibleduration!=0) setTimeout("logo.style.visibility='hidden'",visibleduration*1000) } } if (document.all){ window.onscroll=logoit window.onresize=new Function("window.location.reload()") window.onload=insertimage } function staticitns(){ setInterval("logoit2()",90) if (visibleduration!=0) setTimeout("staticimage.visibility='hide'",visibleduration*1000) }