Welsh PMS at Watauga Lake

Pimms, Merlin and Stacey enjoy vacationing at
Watauga Lake in northeastern Tennessee.

Hello, My name is Merlin and I've been vacationing at Watauga Lake ever since I was a little guy. Just after my first birthday in May 1990 my Mom and Dad took me with them. It was only their second trip so I didn't start out too far behind. Since 1990 Dad and I have been there every year without fail...that's 9 years in a row! We used to take my first sister, Gwinnie. Sometimes now we let Stacey come along. This year Pimms came, too. But, guess what! Mom hasn't gone as many times as I have. I don't understand it. Watauga Lake is beautiful. Take a look at the pictures I've collected over the years and see if you can figure it out. Well, maybe I should just be thankful for the special guy bonding I get with Dad.

The view from the lodge.
Merlin and Pimms enjoy luxurious accommodations.
Gourmet dining is part of the experience
for Merlin, Stacey and Pimms.
I'm standing by to help the captain.
Gwinnie and I play ball.
Gwinnie never forgets she's an earth dog.
Pimms lounges after a sea-doo ride.
Stacey and I are trying to catch fish any way we can.
If that doesn't work
I use my special
mind control powers
to get others to do my bidding.
Mind control only works on
lesser beings...
that's why I don't
just get the fish
to jump onto the dock.

Are you still with me? If you're willing to press on
I'll show you some of my buddies who come on vacation with me.

Sugar Pie (Bichon Frise) and her Mom.
Tucker (Bichon Frise) is tired.
I think he drank too much beer (Miller Hi-Life).
My Dad with Rusty and Jed Dog.
Who did what to that shoe?
Jed Dog is gone now and we miss him.
My Dad with Webber.
Kodi and Sky. Kodi is 15 and he stayed home this year.
Here's Troy with the big dogs.
Pimms and Webber
thought Troy was the
They followed him
like silly puppies.
I waited until
no one was looking
so I wouldn't
make a fool of myself.

Thanks for coming by and looking at my vacation pictures.
Next time, I'll have to get out the slides. Ha, Ha. Only kidding.
Your furpal, Merlin

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