Lokrig Ass'n., Inc. History

LOKRIG Family Association


Main Info Branches Membership Communication Reunion


The Association is now an incorporated, non-profit, all volunteer organization which was originally founded by a group of Lokrig descendants at a Laughridge Reunion in New Philadelphia, OH, in 1985.

The purposes were simple.

To encourage the research of the various lines of Lokrig (Laughridge, Lochridge, Lockridge, Lothridge, Lotridge, Loughridge, Loughrige, and any other derivatives of the name).

To provide an association whereby the membership could share and exchange this research. To conduct a convention every two years.

To produce a publication to report Lokrig research along with current news regarding members, prospects, and others closely allied to the Lokrig lines.

To provide a membership dues method to insure funds for the printing and mailing of the periodical, and to furnish certain items at the conventions (copiers, computers, etc.)

Subsequent executive actions have provided a means of extending membership privileges, at no cost, to those Lokrig descendants that are not in a financial position to pay. Simply put, we want no Lokrig to be turned away because of inability to pay the dues.


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