Wind Chill Temperature
The Wind Chill Temperature is the equivalent temperature which would produce the same heat loss from exposed human skin at 90 °F on a calm day, as the existing temperature and wind speed.
If it's (Temperature °F) and the wind is blowing at (Wind Speed Miles per Hour) ...
Temperature-Humidity Index (THI)
The Temperature - Humidity Index is a measure of summertime discomfort. A THI over 75 °F starts to become uncomfortable for some people. A THI of over 80 °F is uncomfortable for almost everyone. Since it is difficult to measure relative humidity under 15%, this calculation calls for the use of a psychrometer. This device consists of two thermometers, one with a dry bulb, and the other with a wet sock around the bulb. The "wet bulb" is cooled by evaporation relative to the humidity of the air surrounding the "dry bulb". The difference in the thermometer readings then reflects the relative humidity of the atmosphere.
If the Dry Bulb Reads (°F) and the Wet Bulb Reads (°F) ...