page 66 "Ascended Master Instruction" by Saint Germain **************************************************
p.90 Betty Eadie - Embraced By the Light, on Warring Angels
...I also understood that there are other types of angels,
including a type called "Warring Angels." It was shown to me that their
purpose is to do battle for us against Satan and his angels. Although we
each have protecting, or guardian, spirits to assist us, there are times
when the Warring Angels are necessary to protect us, and I understood that
they are available to us through prayer. I saw that they are giant men,
very muscularly built, with a wonderful countenance about them. They are
magnificent spirits. I understood simply by looking by looking at them that
to struggle against them would be an act of futility. They were actually
dressed like warriors, in head dress and armor, and I saw that they moved
more swiftly than other angels. But perhaps that set them apart more than
anything was their aura of confidence; they were absolutely sure of their
abilities. Nothing evil could daunt them, and they knew it. As they
suddenly rushed off on some mission..., I was moved thy their looks of
concern; they understood the importance of their mission...
Satan desires to have us, and sometimes when he marshals his forces
against one of us that person will need special protection...
Saint Issa On Woman
(From Legends of the East)
"Thou just man," said the disguised servant of the ruler of Jerusalem
approaching Issa, "teach us, should we fulfill the will of Caesar or await
the approaching deliverance?"
But Issa, recognizing the disguised servants, said, "I have not said
unto you that you would be delivered from Caesar' but I said that the soul
which was immersed in sin would be delivered from sin."
At this time, an old woman approached the crowd, but was pushed back by
one of the disguised ones. Then Issa said, "Reverence woman, mother of the
universe. In her lies the truth of creation. She is the foundation of all
that is good and beautiful. She is the source of life and death. Upon her
lies the life of man, because she is the succor of his labors. She gives
birth to you in travail, she watches over your growth. Until her very death
you bring anguish to her. Bless her. Honor her. She is your only friend and
sustenance upon earth. Reverence her. Defend her. Love your wives and honor
them, because tomorrow they shall be mothers, and later-the mothers of the
human race. Their love inobles man, soothes the embittered heart and tames
the beast. Wife and mother-invaluable treasure. They are the adornments of
the universe. From them issues all which peoples the universe.
"As light divides itself from darkness, so does womankind possess the
gift to divide in man good intent from the thought of evil. Your noblest
thoughts shall belong to woman. Gather from them thy moral strength, which
you must possess to sustain your near ones. Do not humiliate her, for
therein you humiliate yourselves. And through this shall you lose the
feeling of love without which naught exists upon earth. Bring reverence to
thy wife and she shall defend you. And all which you do to mother, to
wife, to widow or to another woman in sorrow- that shall you also do for
the Spirit."
So taught Issa.
(From texts found in Himalayan monasteries concerning Issa' doings
in the years from 12 to 29, and in Palestine. Transcribed from texts
published in "The Lost Years of Jesus," by Elizabeth Clare Prophet)
Page 287-8 Letters of Helena Roerich, Volume II
Thus, the disciple must prepare his organism by refining his receptivity,
for who knows except the Great Teacher whether the karma of the aspiring
disciple is or is not conducive to his success? Therefore, apply all your
efforts and aspirations toward a better understanding of the Teaching and
its application in life, and leave the rest to your karma and to the great
knowledge of the Lords!
I may cheer you up by saying that, although the path of preparatory
discipleship is long and there are many obstacles and trials on this path,
the mastering of these difficulties brings it s own joy, achievement and
revelation. Also, you must know that these tests are not artificially
created but deal with the inner attitude and presence of mind of the
disciple, giving him a chance to show how we will act in cases of sudden
difficulty amid general trying circumstances. ...
"I returned once more to port so battered by the tempestuous seas
that I did not dare to await the opposition of Saturn with Mars,
which generally brings storm or bad weather."
(From the log of Christopher Columbus, Christmas 1502, during his
fourth and final voyage to the Indies.)
"But when the door of knowledge is distinctly outlined it is not difficult
to strive out of darkness."
(El Morya Khan)
Contributed by:
Flame of the West
Matthew Michael Crow