Do you know of a website that deserves an award? Have you worked really hard on your page and want people to know it's COOL BEANS? Why not nominate that awesome site for the Cool Beans Award?

Rules to qualify for the Cool Beans Award...

1. The site must be suitable for people of ALL ages to view.

2. The site needs to have working links and images.

3. The images on the webpage can't take too long to load.

4. The colors (text and background) need to be pleasing to the eye.

5. If the nominated site wins, a small image must be displayed linking back to this site.

Winners of the Cool Beans Award

That's it! All you need to do now is fill out the form below or send a short email with everything the form asks for to (PLEASE make sure the subject of the email is "Cool Beans Award"). And PLEASE actually type in your email addy in the email. All these little things save me sooooo much time...the faster I can get to your site, the faster I can send out y'all's awards and post the links. THANKS!!!!! **hugs**

Your Name:

Your Email Address:

Nominee's Name:

Nominee's Email Address:

URL of Nominated Site:

Describe the site you're nominating and tell me why you think it should recieve this award...

In your nomination email, you must send me all of the above information or i will not visit the site. I get between 5 & 10 nominations everyday and it helps to know what I'll find on each page I visit. Because of other commitments, I will only be able to respond to those whose sites are chosen. If you haven't gotten a response by a week's time, make some changes and try again! GOOD LUCK!!

Your one-stop award shop!

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