Welcome to the Montgomery County Kappa Delta Alumni Association Guestbook!
*** We're glad you were here! ***

Linda Craig Eissler - 10/20/00 17:40:15
My Email:lindae@eissler.com
Chapter/school: Gamma Kappa
Great job, Rachel.

Cody Hudson - 05/21/00 23:36:33
My Email:cody3c@yahoo.com
Chapter/school: Sigma Epsilon
Hi! I love your site -- my chapter just created one of our own, so I decided to look at everyone elses' (including alumnae!). I would like to put the word out that I'm looking for Sigma Epsilon alumnae. We send out chapter newsletters in the fall, spring, and summmer -- if any of them (or anyone else) would like to be added to our mailing list please let me know. Thanks! Love in AOT, Cody Hudson VP PR ~ Sigma Epsilon at UT

Sarah Cox - 02/24/00 23:23:11
My Email:sarahco@kwc.edu
Chapter/school: Gamma Xi-Kentucky Wesleyan College
Hi from Gamma Xi! I'm from The Woodlands. Found this page in a mailing I got at home. Just thought I would check it out! I'm a senior at Kentucky Wesleyan and Vice President - Public Relations of the Gamma Xi Chapter of Kappa Delta. If anyone sees Lyn Humphreys tell her I said hi!

Kerri Crousen Morris - 01/29/00 20:51:30
My Email:gkmorris@flash.net
Chapter/school: Zeta Alpha
Love your website!! Hope is helps your membership recruitment!! Kerri Morris APP 12

Debi (Jedrey) Tribit - 01/26/00 19:34:22
My Email:debi_kd@hotmail.com
Chapter/school: Epsilon Omicron
Hello there! I don't know where Montgomery County is. I am a member of the Orlando-Winter Park (Fla.) AA. Nice webpage you have. How do you spread the word to your members that this is here?

Kelley Barnes - 01/04/00 00:42:55
My Email:kelleyb78@yahoo.com
Chapter/school: Beta Phi
I am glad to see more pages affiliated with our Sisterhood. Keep up the good work. Love in AOT! www.angelfire.com/ky/sleepyhollow/index.html

Barbara Bicking Pohla - 11/30/99 01:40:44
My Email:bpohla@tenet.edu
Chapter/school: Gamma Nu
I must be a "lost" KD as I haven't received an Angelos in a number of years. Since I don't have an Angelos, I don't have an address for national. I'd like to get back on the mailing list. I live in Willis.

Kimberly McFadyen Broadway - 11/24/99 05:32:14
My Email:Broadways3@aol.com
Chapter/school: Gamma Rho
I had no idea there were so many websites affiliated with KD. I live in Montgomery Co., but I am a member of the North Harris Co. group (I lived off of 1960 when I first joined!). It's nice to know there are so many KD's keeping the sisterhood alive! H pe everybody has a good Turkey Day! In AOT, Kim

Linda Craig Eissler - 10/29/99 17:23:18
My Email:lindae@eissler.com
Chapter/school: Gamma Kappa
Thanks, Rachel, for doing this. It is great! Hope lots more alums see it. Linda

Lindsay Franks - 09/21/99 02:22:17
My Email:lcfranks@pcfa.org
Chapter/school: Alpha Chi
Good to know that are KD's out there making a difference.

susan hardy santos - 08/18/99 14:01:46
My Email:shs34740@aol.com
Chapter/school: gamma zeta TCU
I really enjoyed our website. It was fun reading what is happening. I live in Orlando Fl. I am a mortgage loan officer. Does anyone know what happened to Gamma Zeta Chapter at Texas Christian U? Please e-mail me. Thanks!

Ann Ioannides - 07/24/99 17:41:30
My Email:kdonline@yahoo.com
Chapter: Beta Pi - Go Gators!
Great start for your site! It's not that hard, is it? ;) Now you just have to join the Kappa Delta WebRing! http://members.xoom.com/kdonline

Diane M. Smucny - 07/24/99 17:40:19
My Email:AICP@aol.com
Chapter: Gamma Eta

Melody Long - 07/24/99 17:39:30
My Email:kdgal@hotmail.com
Chapter: Beta Gamma
Hi! I surfed by and can't wait to meet all of you in the fall! AOT, Melody

Rachel (King) Wright - 07/24/99 17:35:37
My Email:wright@flex.net
Chapter: Beta Mu/BGSU
Thanks for visiting our site!

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