Using Herbs in Fun Ways <bgsound src="stubbrn3.mid" loop=infinite>
Picture of Welcome Flowers

flower bar


My Soothing Bath Brew

Please note: working with dried herbs

Store and display in a pretty jar with ribbon and attached instructions.

To use: cover 1/2 cup mixed herbs with 1 quart boiling water and let steep for 20 minutes. Drain. Place liquid in bath water and if you like add herbs to a bath bag (you can also steep with herbs in bag, easier than putting wet herbs in bag). Rub body with herb bag after soaking in tub for 15 to 20 minutes.

flower bar

Bath Bag or Scrubbie

Makes two bags

Cut washcloth in half.
Pin the lace approximately 1 inch (depending on size of washcloth) from the long, finished edge of each half.
Stitch the lace in place along both sides of beading.
Fold each piece in half, right sides together, and stitch sides and bottoms, using 1/4-inch seam allowance.
Turn each bag right side out.
Using a safety pin, run ribbon through beading.
Place both ends of ribbon through the faceted bead and tie a knot close to end so bead will stay on.

To use: Place a bar of scented soap or some bath herbs inside scrubbie, and pull ribbon tight to close with bead.
Can be used at sink, tub or shower.
Another nice combination is filling scrubbie with a mixture consisting of equal parts of bath herbs, oatmeal and grated soap.

Your skin will feel really nice.

flower bar

More for the Bath

Bath Salts

Fill a wide mouth jar half full with Epsom salts. Add a few drops of essential oil and a drop of an appropriate food coloring. Rose, lavender, lemon, and gardenia are good scents to use for bath salts. Stir until the color is well mixed, pressing the salts against the edge of the jar with the back of a spoon. Keep covered and mix daily for a week or so before putting in display jars. This will prevent clumping as the salts absorb the oil and coloring. Bath salts look nice packaged in little apothecary jars designed for spices. Tie ribbon with instructions for use around the neck of jar.

To use: Sprinkle one - two tablesoonfuls over the hot water in bathtub. Hop in and relax.

flower bar

Scented Bath Crystals

Place rock salt in a lidded container. For each cup of salt, add 2 or 3 drops of coloring. Mix with a spoon or shake well. Add 2 or 3 more drops of coloring at a time, and continue mixing until desired color is reached. To the colored crystals, add 20 to 25 drops of essential oils, mixing or shaking well until oils are thoroughly absorbed. Do this daily for a week or so and keep covered. When oil and coloring is absorbed, display in pretty jars. Use 1 or 2 heaping tablespoons for bath water.

Moisturizing Bath

Bath salt & oil: Many people add oils while they run the bath water, but it is best to wait until after you have soaked for about ten minutes. This allows your skin to absorb moisture before the oil coats it. Oil acts as a barrier and just as it can trap moisture in your skin, it can prevent water from penetrating it. To benefit most from the moisturizing effects of the bath, first wash your body to remove any dirt and oils that may have accumulated. The salt added to the water is said to draw water up from the lower layers of the skin to the drier surface. Then after soaking for about 10 minutes, add a bath oil. Don't spend more than 20 minutes in the bath altogether, or the process will be reversed and the bath will dry your skin.

Gift Idea

Select a pretty basket, line with pretty colored shredded paper, fill with combination of herbs, bath salts or crystals, bath bag, purchase a pretty candle, and small wooden scoop. Add handwritten card with instructions for different uses.
A good resource for oils, flowers, spices is:
Attar Herbs & Spices
Playground Road
New Ipswich, NH 03071
603-878-1780, orders only: 1-800-541-6900, Fax:603-878-4231

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