Board Members

Founded in 1962, our  association has made notable contributions to the preservation of the quality and character of the area. Through
lobbying and proactive efforts of the
association's members many causes have been aided, and our collective representation has made a significant  difference.

Lake Michigan Shore Association
Officers and Directors 1998-99


President -  Don Olendorf
Vice- President - Marge Shelden
Secretary - Stephen Burd
Treasurer - Ed Fencl


Stephen Burd
Jim Curtis
Sally Davis
Ed Fencl
Bob Fix
Bob Gardiner
Jerry Hill
Don Olendorf
Janet Ryder
Gwen Shaw
Marge Shelden
Bill Smith
Tom Steel
John Tilton

The association meets annually in July or August. All area property owners are urged to join existing members and personally support this vitally needed organization which presents a meaningful collective voice on issues of concern to our membership. Dues are a modest $10.00 a year and we welcome your new or continued support.

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To contact us:

Phone: 616.543.4610
Fax: 616.674.8030