Signs and Stuff

For  thirty + years  our beautiful sign on Lake Shore and M-89 has been a welcome landmark. This year has seen a series of sign misfortunes. First, the sign was inadvertently knocked down by a tree that fell on top of it. That lead to some curious party taking the sign to parts unknown. This purloined sign problem ultimately resulted in the ordering of a new sign that cost over $1,000. Secondly, in early January many of us were startled to once again see the sign absent from our view. Quick work from member, Nibs Simonds provided us the news that some errant driver didn't negotiate the stop sign at 5:30 AM - his car was saved from a trip to disaster by our civic reminder. The mystery of the second missing sign wasn't cleared up until evening when our signmaker called to tell us all was well and he had our sign -  slightly damaged - but in safe keeping.

Great Lakes information link:

Our Treasured Sign

Links to other stories:
Lake Levels Return To Long Term Average
Historical Artifacts Found At Pier Cove
A Taxing Situation
Signs and Stuff
Dear Slayer ?
Damage Study
New Members  - Welcome!
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Phone: 616.543.4610
Fax: 616.674.8030